Keyller Bastos Borges - Research Supported by FAPESP
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Keyller Bastos Borges

CV Lattes ResearcherID

Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto (FCFRP)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Graduated in Pharmacy (2000-2003), Qualification in Clinical and Toxicological Analysis (2004) by the Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG), Master's Degree in Toxicology (2004-2006), Doctorate-Sandwich in Science (2006-2010) by Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto (FCFRP), University of São Paulo (USP) (Brazil) and Universidad de Cádiz (UCA) (Spain) (2008-2009), Post-Doctorate at the NPPNS of FCFRP/USP (2010-2011) ) and Post-Doc at the University of Warwick (England) (2017-2018) and University of Birmingham (England) (2018). He was a scholarship holder in the Tutorial Education Program (2000-2003) at UNIFAL-MG, Substitute Professor of Analytical Chemistry at FCFRP/USP and is currently Associate Professor I at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), Campus Dom Bosco, Department of Natural Sciences (DCNAT) since 2011 where he advises undergraduate and graduate students (Masters and Doctorate). Member of the Graduate Program in Physics and Chemistry of Materials (FQMat) (since 2011) and the Multicentric Graduate Program in Chemistry of Minas Gerais (PPGMQ-MG) (since 2013). He coordinates projects funded by FAPEMIG (5 Universal), CAPES (1 Event Organization) and CNPq (2 Universal). He also coordinates / coordinated institutional research projects financed by a funding agency: 3 CT-INFRA-FINEP projects, SOS Equipamentos FINEP and 2 Pró-equipamentos-CAPES projects. He is a member of the editorial board of Current Chromatography and a reviewer for more than 50 national and international journals. He has given several lectures at national and international events. He is an effective member of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Regional MG) and of the Minas Gerais Chemistry Network (RMQ). Has developed research with scientific independence in the field of Analytical Chemistry, Toxicology and Materials, acting on the following topics: stereoselective analysis of drugs and metabolites by HPLC, UPLC, CG, CE and their couplings with mass spectrometry (MS and MS/MS ) in biological material and pharmaceutical formulations using classic and miniaturized techniques as sample preparation, aiming applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological areas, in addition to working on the development of new adsorbent materials for application in sample preparation techniques (classical and miniaturized) and processes of adsorption of contaminants. To date, he has completed the supervision of 15 scientific initiations, 11 master's dissertations, 3 master's co-supervisions, 5 doctoral theses and 1 postdoctoral supervision. He currently supervises 4 master's dissertations, 8 doctoral theses, 1 doctoral co-supervision, and 1 postdoctoral supervision. The main awards were: Theses Award 2011 (CAPES, Honorable Mention), Young Investigator 2011 (Bioanalysis), Emerging Investigator 2015 (RSC, Analytical Methods) and Research Highlight Award (SBQ-MG, Jovem Talento). So far it has 1 book, 11 book chapters, 11 patent deposits, 1 licensed industrial design and more than 115 works published in specialized journals with a selective editorial policy, which generated an h factor equal to 21 (Scopus and Web of Science ~ 1500 citations) and 23 Google Scholar (~2000 citations: index h=25 and i10 = 58) and whose sum of the Impact Index of the last 10 years is greater than 320. It is a corresponding author in 47 and first author in 14 of the published articles, with 39 of collaborations with other research groups. He has been the leader of the Analytical Research, Innovation and Development Group (PID Analytical) and Coordinator of the Separations Laboratory (LASEP) since 2011 (10 years). e-mail: (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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