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Vulnerability to the infection by HIV in female prisoners of the P.F.B. assessed by serological and T.A.T. techniques

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Leila Strazza de Azevedo
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Medicina (FM/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Eduardo Massad; Patrícia Lacerda Bellodi; Claudio Cohen; Annecy Tojeiro Giordani; Dirce Maria Trevisan Zanetta
Advisor: Eduardo Massad

In order to evaluate the vulnerability by HIV, 290 female prisoners of F.B.P. were interviewed and bled for serological analysis and submited to TAT techniques. The questions were related to behavior and habits of those women and their partner, according to: promiscuous sexual relationships, use of injectec ilegal drugs and sexually transmitted diseases. We also analysed the prisoners myths, beliefs, age, school degree and general knowledge of HIV. The seroprevalence of HIV was associated to risky behaviors by means of univariate, Qui-Squared or Exact of Fisher tests. We found 13.85% of seropositives to HIV, 22.76% to anti-pallidum and 16.21% to anti-HCV. 46 prisoners were submitted to TAT, whose life stories were elucidated through one summarised, typic profile of these women (AU)