An approach to the notion of musical gesture in th... - BV FAPESP
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An approach to the notion of musical gesture in the poetics of Luciano Berio and Brian Ferneyhough

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Felipe Merker Castellani
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Campinas, SP.
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Artes
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Silvio Ferraz de Mello Filho; Rogerio Luiz Moraes Costa; Paulo de Tarso Camargo Cambraia Salles
Advisor: Silvio Ferraz de Mello Filho

In this work we approach the notion of musical gesture circumscribed to the poetic of the composers Luciano Berio and Brian Ferneyhough. What connects them is the awareness of the musical gestures that should not be regarded as closed units and ready for use, no matter the context in which they are inserted. Whether for its use as part of a process of musical signification, or as part of a compositional approach, the most important is its potential to deconstruction and reconstruction, so this is the main focus of this work. In the writings of Luciano Berio, the notion of musical gesture is interconnected to other aspects such as the virtuosity, present in the instrumental practice and the theatricality, produced by a relationship between the physical body and the sonorous body generated his the actions. For the composer the gestures are games of representation and meaning, which occur due to the historical and cultural conventions. On the other hand, for Ferneyhough, the gesture is the result of a parametric work, which operates both with a traditional approach, in the operations that manipulate pitches and rhythms, as in a more differentiated ways, in the modes of articulation and instrumental fingerings. What defines this gesture, it's not an isolated work, but the interaction between the various procedures found in a compositional context that converges toward a global effect. We contextualize and integrate the theoretical issues through the analysis of the following works: the Luciano Berio's Sequenze and Brian Ferneyhough's Second String Quartet, Time and Motion Study I, Time and Motion Study II and the fifth movement of Kurze Schatten II. In addition to the analysis, we also propose a practical compositional experience, which allows the expansion and complementation of our problematic field. Thus, we present a description of the compositional procedures worked simultaneously with the study of the poetics of Luciano Berio and Brian Ferneyhough (AU)

FAPESP's process: 08/07612-3 - For a deterritorialization of the gesture: The musical poetics of Luciano Berio and Brian Ferneyhough.
Grantee:Felipe Merker Castellani
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master