Proposal of a roadmap for culture change towards a... - BV FAPESP
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Proposal of a roadmap for culture change towards a circular economy: application in a product-as-a-service business model

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Ana Carolina Bertassini
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Carlos.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Mateus Cecilio Gerolamo; Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti; Luciana Oranges Cezarino; Frank Thomas Piller; Semih Severengiz
Advisor: Mateus Cecilio Gerolamo; Aldo Roberto Ometto

Circular Economy (CE) is being considered as a plausible and desirable solution to build economic prosperity while respecting ecological and social boundaries. However, its implementation is slow-paced which is partially explained by the systemic nature of the innovation required. Disruptive innovations in business model (BM) foster the CE transition, but its process remains under-explored to date, mainly regarding organizational culture (OC) factors, hindering its implementation. Despite the existence of a voluminous literature on the subject, practitioners are either uncertain or struggling about how to implement circular business model (CBM). Using a multistep methodology, based on literature review and expert consultation we proposed a roadmap to guide companies in the transition journey towards the implementation of a CE-oriented culture. The roadmap is a stepping-stone to overcoming the challenges that companies face in making CE innovation long-lasting. This study identified that the most relevant aspects to be given attention for CBM innovation at the cultural level is the leadership having a circular mindset; the establishment of processes to make the innovations happen in all levels of the company; establish partnerships and collaboration with key players and educating employees (at all levels) towards CE and sustainability concepts and operations. To move towards disruptive CBM it is essential top and middle management commitment, early customer engagement in the solution proposition and business ecosystem management. This study corroborates and expands recent research on the soft side of CE transition and provides practitioners with a guideline to be followed to successfully innovate their BM towards CE (AU)

FAPESP's process: 18/24830-6 - Development of a circular organizational culture for a product-service system business model
Grantee:Ana Carolina Bertassini
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate