The effect of aerosol smoke on germination and see... - BV FAPESP
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The effect of aerosol smoke on germination and seedling development of Cerrado species

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Raquel Gasparini Martins
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Rio Claro. 2023-08-30.
Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Instituto de Biociências. Rio Claro
Defense date:
Advisor: Alessandra Tomaselli Fidelis

In flammable vegetables or fire is a natural disorder and the species present in these vegetations have adaptations, which makes it possible for the individual to remain after the passage of fire. In addition to fire, smoke has chemicals capable of stimulating germination and influencing seedling development. Cerrado is a flammable vegetation, therefore, this project aims to understand the effect of smoke on germination and seedling development of Cerrado species. For this, an aerosol smoke was applied to the seeds and seedlings. The seeds had their germination monitored for 30 days and the seedlings for 9 months. The following germination and seedling attributes were measured: germination percentage, mean germination time, germination synchrony, aerial (CA) and root (CR) length, aerial weight (AP), root weight (PR), organ weight (PO), number of leaves, profiles and branches. The proportions of the seedlings were carried out after 1, 3, 6 and 9 months from the application of the treatment. The seedling vigor index (SVI) was also measured for 7- and 14-day-old seedlings. Among the 37 species, 32.44% responded to smoke: 5.4% increased and 2.7% decreased germination, 13.5% germinated faster and 8.1% germinated slower, 2.7% germinated synchronously and 5.4% germinated asynchronously. However, 67.56% had no difference in germination attributes compared to the control. Regarding the vigor measured on the 7th day after root protrusion, among the 8 scientific species in response to treatment: 12.5% increased IVP, CA and CR; 25% decreased PIV; 12.5% decreased CR and 25% decreased CA. When vigor was measured on the 14th day after germination, among the 8 species in response to smoke: 12.5% increased IVP, 50% decreased IVP, 12.5% increased CR, 25% decreased CR, and 12 .5% decreased CA. Among the 3 species of seedlings exposed to smoke, only seedlings of Sporobolus cubensis with 3 months of age were the same: CR, CA, PR and PA smaller in relation to the control. However, 6-month-old Dyckia brasiliana seedlings had higher BP when exposed to smoke. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that smoke has a different effect according to the life stage in which the plant is exposed to smoke. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 20/07731-4 - The effect of smoke on germination and growth of seedlings of Cerrado's species
Grantee:Raquel Gasparini Martins
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master