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From the office to the shelf: urban operation consortiums in Florianópolis (2010-2014)

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Renan Santos Gomez
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Carlos.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Tomas Antonio Moreira; Manoel Antonio Lopes Rodrigues Alves; Paulo Nascimento Neto; Elson Manoel Pereira
Advisor: Tomas Antonio Moreira; Marina Toneli Siqueira

Florianópolis has been developed, inserted in Brazils typical patrimonialistic peripheral capitalist condition, reproducing its local elites domination. The urban operation consortium is one of the urban production control legislative instruments presented in the Estatuto da Cidade that has the potential to oppose the urban productions powerful commodification inherent to these dynamics. Florianópolis had a polemic and conflicted discussion and approval process of its new master plan, incorporating this urbanistic tool. The main objective in this essay is to comprehend this process and, in Florianópolis urban operation consortiums, how the dispute processes occurred between the urban agents and their interests, regarding its real estate gains connected to the instrument and its influence área. Therefore, there are specific objectives of understanding these urban agents and their demands, their official or unofficial dispute strategies, and what roles the socially vulnerable communities took part on these operations regions. The used method was a multiple study case, with usage of semi-sctructured interviews, documental and data collection, revision and analysis. The obtained main results were the findings that the disputes around the master plans formulation covered diverse decision- -making levels, being them official or unofficial. They were mainly influenced by fragmentary interests from a diversity of agentes, but dominantly from those that carry a commodification logic around city making, deepening the urban entrepeneurship mechanisms to which the municipality is subjected. The urban operation consortiums, absorbing these logics, were officially brought by the hands of the technicians, which didnt comprehend the instrument and didnt submit it to any participative process, undermining its viability. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 18/26018-7 - Dispute for the city: participative processes in the creation of the Syndicated Urban Operations in Florianópolis/SC
Grantee:Renan Santos Gomez
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master