Effects of the maternal diet enriched with saturat... - BV FAPESP
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Effects of the maternal diet enriched with saturated lipid and curcumin on reproductive parameters of adult male rats

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Vanessa Reame
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: Campinas, SP.
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Biologia
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Rejane Maira Góes; Raquel Vaz Hara; Caroline Maria Christante; Celina de Almeida Lamas; Ellen Cristina Rivas Leonel
Advisor: Rejane Maira Góes

Disturbances in the intrauterine environment affect fetal metabolism and subsequent offspring's life. Studies show that diets high in fat can have a negative impact on male reproductive parameters, while consumption of curcumin, which is a polyphenol with the potential to induce epigenetic changes and multiple functional activities, can have a positive impact on health. So, this study evaluated whether the maternal consumption of consumption of a lard enriched diet leads to reproductive and metabolic changes in male rat offspring and whether curcumin interferes with this developmental programming. Male Wistar rats (12 weeks of age) were divided according to the mothers’ diet and supplementation (gestation and lactation) in C — balanced diet for rodents (standard diet); L — lard enriched diet (31% of lard); O — standard diet supplemented with corn oil as dilution vehicle (0.1ml/100g body weight, every other day); Cm — standard diet supplemented with corn oil containing curcumin (100mg / kg body weight every other day); and LCm — lard-enriched diet supplemented with corn oil/curcumin. Mothers' diet began at week 8, continued until week 12, when they were mated with standard-fed male rats, and continued until weaning (21 days old). Corn oil containing or not curcumin was administered via gavage every other day. Biometric and metabolic parameters of mothers, at weaning, and of offspring were evaluated. For the offspring, in addition to the testicular and epididymal weight, sperm counts, analysis of sperm motility and testicular oxidative stress markers were performed. Data obtained led us to conclude that excessive saturated lipids in the maternal diet during gestation/lactation does not alter sperm production and reserve, nor cause metabolic damage to the offspring, yet impair sperm motility. Dietary supplementation of mothers with small doses of corn oil, during this period, was even more detrimental to the sperm motility of the offspring. Curcumin prevents damage to sperm motility caused on offspring by maternal intake of a lard enriched diet and supplementation with corn oil and this fact may be related to the preservation of lipid metabolism and testicular antioxidant defense. Additionally, we analyzed whether there were changes in the adrenal gland in groups C, L and O. The absolute weight of the adrenals was higher in the group in which the mothers were subjected to the high fat diet, than in C and O groups. There was an increase in the length of area of the three adrenal zones in group L when compared to C and O groups, while O group had increased glomerular zone and decreased reticular zone, in relation to C and L. As there was no variation in the serum level of corticosterone among groups, new analyzes will be necessary to conclude on the effects of the maternal lard enriched diet or the supplementation with corn oil, during pregnancy and lactation, on the adrenal of the male offspring (AU)

Grantee:Vanessa Reame
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate