Bergamot and lemon essential oil deterpenation: de... - BV FAPESP
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Bergamot and lemon essential oil deterpenation: determination of liquid-liquid equilibrium data and thermodynamic modeling of model systems, at 25ºC

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Cristina Chiyoda Koshima
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Pirassununga.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Zootecnica e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZE/BT)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Christianne Elisabete da Costa Rodrigues; Eduardo Augusto Caldas Batista; Alessandra Lopes de Oliveira
Advisor: Christianne Elisabete da Costa Rodrigues

A possible oil quality loss may be associated to the terpenes compounds decomposition, when heated or exposed to air, producing off -flavors. Terpene partial removal, process known as deterpenation, can be performed using many different techniques. Among these various possibilities, the liquid-liquid extraction has shown successful results. The aim of this work was to determine and correlate the liquid-liquid equilibrium experimental data, using thermodynamic models at (25.0 ± 0.1) ºC for bergamot and lemon essential oils model systems composed respectively of limonene/ linalyl acetate/ linalool/ ethanol/ water and limonene/ γ- terpinene/ β- pinene/ citral/ ethanol/ water. Additionally, physical properties (viscosity and density) of the aforementioned systems and pure compounds were determined. It was observed that the higher water content in the solvent led to a lower linalool (bergamot oil) and citral (lemon oil) extraction. However, the highest level of ethanol hydration enlarged the biphasic region and solvent selectivity for both systems. The experimental data were correlated using the NRTL and UNIQUAC thermodynamic models. For bergamot essential oil system, the global deviation was 0.43% for UNIQUAC and 0.52% for NRTL. The NRTL equation provided a better representation of the lemon oil system, with a global deviation value of 0.29%, compared to the UNIQUAC model with a deviation of 0.32%. It was observed that water does not have a significant effect on the terpene phase (essential oil components rich phase) properties. On the other hand, in the solvent phase, it was observed that a higher water content in the ethanol led to higher density and viscosity values. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 08/07326-0 - Deterpenation of lemon and bergamot peel oils: Experimental Data and Modeling of Liquid-liquid Equilibria
Grantee:Cristina Chiyoda Koshima
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master