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Reconstruction of vegetation and climate in high resolution at Holocene on Marajo Island, with biologic and isotopic indicators uses

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Mariah Izar Francisquini
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Piracicaba.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/STB)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda; Marcelo Cancela Lisboa Cohen; Paulo Eduardo de Oliveira
Advisor: Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda

An interdisciplinary study involving facies, elementary and isotopic carbon and nitrogen, pollen and diatom analyses, had the objective to reconstruct the vegetation dynamics at Marajó Island, with climatic inferences. Sedimentary cores of up to 2,5meters were collected in two different points at the eastern part of the island, one in the mangrove at Praia do Pesqueiro, and other at São Luís lake, ~35 km far to the western part and ~8 km from the coast. In this place, between 7521 7433 years cal BP and ~3,100 years cal BP, the deposition of massive and laminated plan/parallel clay, with C/N between 45 and 15 and \'delta\'15N from 1.34 to 5.08%o, indicates a mixture of organic terrestrial material with phytoplankton, and the relation C/N and \'delta\'13C reveals the organic material with marine influence. The Rhizophora concentration is about 94.4% and marine and brackish most representative diatoms were Cyclotella striata, Cymatotheca weissflogii and Paralia sulcata. That batch of information indicates the mangrove presence in the site presently occupied by the Lake São Luís. From ~3100 years cal BP to the present, the massive clay structure and the C/N values between 18 and 24 and \'delta\'15N from 1.7 to 6.04%o that indicates a mixture of terrestrial plants and algae material from sedimentary organic matter and \'delta\'13C values from -22 to 25%o, that indicates a mixture of C3 plants (arboreal and herbs) and C4 (Poaceae), suggest significant environmental changes. The pollen record indicate a reduction of Rhizophora concentration and an increase of forest species, like Fabaceae, Melastomataceae/Combretaceae and Myrtaceae, and the presence of freshwater, freshwater that support brackish conditions and mangrove diatoms, like Brachysira serians, Frustulia Krammeri, Eunotia sp and Surirella sp. This set of information indicates the formation and the vegetation around the lake, similar to modern conditions. At Praia do Pesqueiro, between 1739 1567 and ~ 614 552 years cal BP, the plan/ parallel sand structures indicate a foreshore environment. More enriched \'delta\'13C values (between -25 and -26%o), in relation to the more recent period (shallow part of the core), suggests marine influence, and the bioindicators were absent. From ~614 552 until ~180 160 years cal BP, massive clay facies indicates the lagoon presence, and C/N of 23.8 and \'delta\'15N of 2.44%o values indicates terrestrial influence. Forest and mangrove pollen are present, with concentrations around 8.6 and 88.2%, respectively, suggesting the relative sea level (RSL) falling and the expansion of mangrove and forest vegetation to the beach area. The preserved marine diatom is recorded by the Coscinodiscus presence. From ~180 160 years cal BP to the present, the mangrove vegetation is indicated by the massive and laminated clay structures, more depleted \'delta\'13C values (-29.34 %), C/N around 18.31 and 24.25 and \'delta\'15N of 0.76 and 2.68%o, that indicates the high influence of terrestrial environment, with phytoplankton organic matter mixture. The pollen concentration of Rhizophora is about 89.8% and brackish diatoms, as Cyclotella striata, reaches 85%, which permit the inference of decreased marine influence due to the relative sea level fall (AU)

FAPESP's process: 08/07338-9 - Reconstruction of vegetation and climate in high resolution at Holoceno on Marajo island, with biologic and isotopic indicators uses.
Grantee:Mariah Izar Francisquini Correia
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master