A novel gene involved in Pseudomonas aeruginosa qu... - BV FAPESP
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A novel gene involved in Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing

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Ana Paula Barbosa do Nascimento
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Conjunto das Químicas (IQ e FCF) (CQ/DBDCQ)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Regina Lúcia Baldini; Rodrigo da Silva Galhardo; Suely Lopes Gomes; Aline Maria da Silva; Beny Spira
Advisor: Regina Lúcia Baldini

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gammaproteobacterium that colonizes several environments and infects phylogenetically distinct hosts. It behaves as an opportunistic pathogen in humans, often related to infection in immunocompromised individuals and cystic fibrosis patients. An important mechanism for P. aeruginosa versatility is the quorum sensing (QS) network, that allows bacteria to link gene expression to population density and environmental traits. Several additional regulators are interconnected with QS, as the regulatory mRNA binding protein RsmA and the non-coding small RNAs RsmZ and RsmY. Futhermore, key factors for pathogenicity are QS-regulated. In P. aeruginosa PA14, an important pathogenicity-related factor is the KerV protein, described for the first time here as involved in QS. D12 strain, that harbor a deletion in the kerV gene, shows alterations in QS-regulated phenotypes, such as high production of pyocyanin, a compound that contributes to virulence and persistence of P. aeruginosa infections. As the production of pyocyanin is easily detected and all mechanisms involved in its synthesis regulation are not fully described, the expression of genes responsible for production of this pigment is a good reporter to investigate KerV involvement in the QS network. Additionally, D12 also shows lower levels of rhamnolipids, another QS-regulated trait. Taken together, these phenotypes resemble the effects of a rsmA mutation, suggesting KerV involvement with QS and Gac-Rsm systems. In this work, we propose that KerV exerts a negative effect in the regulation of phz1 and phz2 operons, responsible for pyocyanin synthesis, by alterating the expression of these genes. KerV also has a positive effect on rsmA expression, responsible for the repression of several genes by blocking the ribosome binding site preventing the translation. Gel shift assays showed that RsmA binds directly in the leader sequence of phzA1 and phzA2, elucidating the manner in which KerV is involved in the regulation of phz operons expression in P. aeruginosa PA14. We also demonstrate that phz2 is actively expressed and contributes to pyocyanin production in PA14, since in the phz1 mutant the levels of pyocyanin are even higher than in the wild type strain. This suggests a phz2 higher expression and a differential regulation of phz operons according to environmental changes as a mechanism to maintain the levels of pyocyanin synthesis. An evidence for this regulation is the synthesis of pyocyanin by the lasR mutant, which does not make pyocyanin at early growth stages. However, at late stationary phase, pyocyanin production is even higher than in the wild-type strain, reflecting the LasR-independent regulation of phz1 expression, while phz2 operon remains silent. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 08/03004-9 - A novel gene involved in Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing
Grantee:Ana Paula Barbosa Do Nascimento
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)