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Telomere length in the central nervous system of a model for Alzheimer\'s disease treated with lithium

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Giancarlo de Mattos Cardillo
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Medicina (FM/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Orestes Vicente Forlenza; Helena Paula Brentani; Fulvio Alexandre Scorza
Advisor: Orestes Vicente Forlenza

Telomeres are DNA-protein complexes present in the extremities of chromosomes. Telomeres shorten at each cell division, being the telomere length, therefore, considered a cell aging biomarker. This telomere shortening is associated to several age-related diseases. In Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), telomere length has been linked to several pathophysiological pathways, such as neuroinflammation and oxidative stress, though its mechanism are still poorly understood. Majority of studies regarding telomere length in AD are based in leucocyte DNA, with little information about its status in the central nervous system. Lithium is an important mood stabilizer, with neuroprotective effects widely evidenced, but little is known about its effects in telomere length maintenance. The objective of this present study was to evaluate the effect of chronical lithium treatment on telomere length in different brain regions (parietal cortex, hippocampus and olfactory epithelium) of wild type and triple transgenic mice model for AD (3xTg-AD). Eighteen transgenic and 22 wild type male mice were treated for eight months with chow containing 1.0g (Li1) or 2.0g (Li2) of lithium carbonate/kg, or standard chow (Li0). Telomere length of extracted DNA from theses tissues was quantified by real-time PCR. Chronic lithium treatment was associated with longer telomeres in the parietal cortex (Li1, p=0.04) and in the hippocampus (Li2, p=0.02)of 3xTg-AD compared with the respective wild type.Our findings suggest that chronic lithium treatment does affect telomere maintenance, but the magnitude of this effect depends on the working concentrations of lithium and characteristics of the involved tissue. This effect was only observed when comparing triple transgenic with wild type mice, suggesting that the presence of AD pathology was required for the lithium modulation of telomere length (AU)

FAPESP's process: 14/14211-6 - Telomere length in the central nervous system of a model of Alzheimer's Disease treated with lithium
Grantee:Giancarlo de Mattos Cardillo
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master