Black press and labor press: experiences, dialogue... - BV FAPESP
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Black press and labor press: experiences, dialogues, and tensions between black and immigrant workers in post-abolition São Paulo (1915-1932)

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Victor Doutel Pastore
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Antonia Terra de Calazans Fernandes; Ynaê Lopes dos Santos; Edilene Teresinha Toledo; Maria Cristina Cortez Wissenbach
Advisor: Antonia Terra de Calazans Fernandes

This master\'s thesis main aim is to analyze the relations, based on dialogue but also on conflicts, between the leaders of the black movement and the labor movement -- the latter formed mostly by immigrants and their descendants -- in the First Republic in São Paulo. In order to do so, I analyzed the newspapers produced by both groups, usually called the \"black press\" and the \"labor press\". From these writings it is possible to identify experiences, agencies, politics and conflicts between the different groups of workers that have inhabited the city during the post-abolition period. Even though they were placed in the same context and lived in the same territories and shared social class positions, black people and immigrants have occupied different working places and have been confronted with discrepant realities, mainly due to racial aspects in São Paulo, a city that pursued the whitening of its population. In general, foreigners entered the most dynamic areas of São Paulo\'s incipient industrialization, while Afro-descendants had to face racism in order to ingress the restructuring labor market in the post-abolition period. Such differences conditioned multiple ways of engaging in political action among workers, based on notions of ethnicity, nationality, race and class, which resulted in different projects, interpretations, expectations and identities, disseminated by their newspapers. In this master\'s thesis, the presses produced by social movements are compared, based on their consonances and dissonances, but are also interrelated. The investigation indicated that the relationship between these workers, generally, was tense and imposed obstacles to social class formation. Factors such as racism, nationalism and the great labor force supply in that period posed difficulties to these groups in achieving potential collective actions against the ruling classes, and fueled conflicts and gaps between them, making harder for them to establish bonds of solidarity within the working class. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 17/13039-3 - Black press and labor press: experiences and conflicts between the workers in the First Republic at São Paulo (1915-1930)
Grantee:Victor Doutel Pastore
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master