Modular panel of sugarcane bagasse particleboards ... - BV FAPESP
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Modular panel of sugarcane bagasse particleboards for cattle handling facilities side enclosure

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Diogo de Lucca Sartori
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: Pirassununga.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Zootecnica e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZE/BT)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Juliano Fiorelli; Júlio César de Carvalho Balieiro; Francisco Antonio Rocco Lahr; Luciane Silva Martello; Julio Soriano
Advisor: Juliano Fiorelli

This study aimed to evaluate the physical-mechanical performance and durability of homogeneous sugarcane bagasse particleboards and polyurethane resin based on castor oil; to evaluation of the mechanical behavior of both modular panels of particleboards and reforestation wood by numerical simulation, soft body impact test and application in cattle handling facilities; to study bovine behavior parameters managed in the facility built with modular panels, by measuring body surface temperature and the reactivity of animals. The physicochemical properties and microstructure of the particles of sugarcane bagasse were determined. For homogeneous particleboards both without and with surface coating, the physical and mechanical properties were evaluated before and after natural aging. The evaluation of the mechanical performance of modular panels was performed by means of a numerical simulation, under laboratory conditions by soft body impact test and, in situ, applied to a crowding pen of corral for cattle management. The handled animals had their body surface temperature measured by infrared thermography and their reactivity was measured by the parameters of flight time in crowding pen and behavior score in crowding pen. The homogeneous particleboards of sugarcane bagasse met the regulatory requirements for applications as a structural component. The modular panels showed lower experimental transverse displacement values when measured by the numerical model. The animals handled in the crowding pen of modular panels and conventional wooden boards showed no difference in reactivity parameters, but the average and maximum superficial body temperatures were lower in animals handled the crowding pen with modular panels. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/19895-8 - Modular panel of particleboards of agroindustrial wastes for lateral closure of installation for cattle
Grantee:Diogo de Lucca Sartori
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate