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Efficacy of the antibothropic serum produced by Butantan Institute: obtaining, characterizing and neutralizing serinopeptidases of interest from the Bothrops jararaca venom.

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Alexandre Kazuo Kuniyoshi
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas (ICB/SDI)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Fernanda Calheta Vieira Portaro; Anita Mitico Tanaka Azevedo; Ana Maria Moro; Daniel Carvalho Pimenta; Alexandre Keiji Tashima
Advisor: Fernanda Calheta Vieira Portaro

Snakebite is considered a neglected tropical condition by WHO, and in Brazil, the Bothrops genus is involved in most of the cases. Initially, we have studied the B. jararaca venom activity over bioactive peptides which could be related with the envenomation. The hydrolysis of the peptides substrate for serinepeptidases were not efficiently blocked by the Butantan Institute bothropic antivenom, therefore, the causes of this flaw were investigated. Thereafter, we purified four serinepeptidases not blocked by the antivenom and, by immunochemistry analysis, we observed that although it could not neutralize the activity, it could well recognize these proteins. Thus, we decided to obtain experimental sera against these serinepeptidases in mice, in order to compare it with the commercial antivenom. The experimental sera against these enzymes demonstrated recognition capability and high affinity, and most important, the ability to neutralize their activity in vitro. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/15344-7 - Efficacy of the bothropic antivenom from Butantan Institute: obtention, characterization and neutralization of serinepeptidases from the venom of Bothrops jararaca
Grantee:Alexandre Kazuo Kuniyoshi
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate