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Analysis of linear erosive dynamics and its evolutionary potential in agricultural environment

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Estêvão Botura Stefanuto
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Rio Claro. 2020-01-10.
Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas. Rio Claro
Defense date:
Advisor: Cenira Maria Lupinacci

With help of several Science fields, human beings sought to develop their demands throughout history all over the natural space, reaching out to some authors, from the point of view of relief, to be named as a new geomorphological agent. From this, human actions have been modifying the relief in rural environments, for agriculture and livestock purposes. Seeking to collaborate with studies that aim to understand the mechanisms of development of linear erosive features and their interaction with anthropomorphic agents, this research goal was to indicate the potential to linear erosive rise of features located in a watershed located in the cuestiform sector from Analândia (SP). For the research development, it has been used the guidelines of Mathias (2016), performing the survey of several variables (particle size, infiltration, penetration resistance, permeability, slope, accumulated surface flow and land use) for the formulation of maps synthesis, which were validated from the areas of erosive features and from the evolution data of a gully erosion. For validation, it was based on the hypothesis that the kinds with high potential to erosive rise should have a good correspondence with sectors in higher concentration of erosive features and larger slope evolution. Thus, this systematic allowed to identify the central sector of the watershed as a zone of concentration of linear erosive features, which constitutes a transition area between the more resistant clay soils (to the north) and the less resistant sandy soils (to the south). Still, the northern hillslopes showed steep slopes (30┤45%) and highly accumulated flow (2500┤12500m²) when compared to other surveys. These factors, combined with intensive land use for livestock, reduced management practices indicated, in the synthesis maps with the best response to validation, a band on the central sector of the study area, with larger potential to erosive rise, establishing the contact sector between materials of varying strengths as a zone that requires attention. It is noteworthy that the synthesis maps with better response to the hypothesis employed the same influence as the interpolated variables, a fact that allowed the understanding that the erosive dynamics acting in the sector evolves and advances from the interaction of physical elements and human actions, affirmation that supports research in rural environments that employ perspectives based on the analysis of the interaction complexity of natural and human variables for the study of Earth systems. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 16/25399-1 - Analysis of linear erosive dynamics and its evolutionary conjecture in agricultural environment
Grantee:Estêvão Botura Stefanuto
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master