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Foster care as the fissure of a device: a cartography of affects

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Elisa Mariana Carvalho Ribeiro
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Assis. 2017-05-05.
Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Faculdade de Ciências e Letras. Assis
Defense date:
Advisor: Fernando Silva Teixeira Filho

The discourses about childhood and the way it has been perceived and theorized over the years determine the types of actions toward to the needs of children and adolescents, as well as the roles and the role of the family group are redefined through such modifications. In this process of social and subjective definitions and redefinitions, children and adolescents who have their rights violated within their family of origin, and therefore need to be removed from this conviviality for their protection, become the target of public policies and their protective measures. The institutionalization of childhood was strongly questioned as to its effectiveness in guaranteeing rights, especially in relation to family and community life. Thus, through the PNAS (National Plan of Social Assistance, 2004), a new modality of foster care, the family, is established, which with the amendments of law nº. 12.010 of 2009 made by ECA (Children and Adolescent Statute), it becomes priority against the institutional care. The foster families are volunteers and go through selection and training by the technical teams of the programs and thus receive and welcome in their homes the children and adolescents sent to them. The objective of the present research was to map the affections in this context of foster care, which includes the society in the accomplishment of a public policy of protection. This was possible through the accompaniment of two foster families from different cities in the interior of São Paulo, through meetings with such families, phone calls and conversations, and material from Facebook. Among the affects mapped out are the rivalry and ambivalence and others coming from difficulties, especially in relation to the end of the foster care. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 14/24262-7 - Cartography of affections in foster care contexts
Grantee:Elisa Mariana Carvalho Ribeiro
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master