Spatial analysis and detection of trypanosomatids ... - BV FAPESP
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Spatial analysis and detection of trypanosomatids in production animals from region endemic for visceral leishmaniasis

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Mirian dos Santos Paixão
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: Botucatu. 2017-08-04.
Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Faculdade de Medicina. Botucatu
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Advisor: Simone Baldini Lucheis

The family Trypanosomatidae is composed of flagellate protozoa of the order Kinetoplastida, divided into 10 genera. The Trypanosoma protozoa, which cause trypanosomiasis and Leishmania genus, which cause leishmaniosis, are the parasites of major medical and veterinary interest. Trypanosomiasis is caused by different species, among them: Trypanosoma cruzi, T. theileri, T. equiperdum, T . evansi and T. vivax, which affect production animals, causing economic damages to the agricultural sector. In order to evaluate the occurrence of trypanosomatids in the municipality of Bauru-SP, a region endemic for leishmaniosis, the present study evaluated 200 animals, 100 cattle (Bos taurus) and 100 equidae (Eqqus spp.) from urban and peri-urban areas of the municipality. In the spatial analysis, in order to understand the distribution of risk factors, we evaluated the epidemiological factors of leishmaniasis, related to its diagnosis in the studied animals, in dogs and in humans as well, from different districts of Bauru city, aiming a better comprehension and the strategies for the control of this disease. The diagnosis was based on parasitological techniques: blood smear and blood culture; serological tests: Immunofluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA); and molecular: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and sequencing. No suggestive forms of protozoa were found in blood smears, but the blood culture analysis of seven animals allowed visualization of these protozoa. To the serological techniques for Leishmania spp., 25% of the cattle and 16% of the equines were reactive to IFAT and 24% of the equines and 6% of the cattle reactive to ELISA. PCR was performed from blood samples, blood cultures, conjunctival swabs and ectoparasites, with primers from the ITS and HSP70 region. From blood samples, 23% of cattle and 6% of equines were positive and seven samples of bovine blood culture were positive, with at least one of the primers. Samples of ectoparasites and swabs showed no PCR positivity. Specimens of the genus Leishmania infantum, Leishmania donovani and Trypanosoma theileri were identified in specimens of PCR positive bovines, and species of the genus Leishmania: Leishmania donovani were identified in equine samples. The results obtained for the parasitological, serological and / or molecular tests suggest the presence of trypanosomatids in animals of the municipality of Bauru-SP. In this study, by the spatial analysis, the role of protection of the production animals for the occurrence of leishmaniosis in humans is suggested. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 14/15808-6 - Investigation and spatial analysis of the occurrence of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in cattle (Bos taurus) and equidae (Equus spp.) captured on public roads in Bauru-SP
Grantee:Mirian dos Santos Paixão Marques
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate