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Geographic information system applied to the management of the contamination at the Former AUPI 131, Jurubatuba, São Paulo

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Marcos Bolognini Barbosa
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Geociências (IG/BT)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Reginaldo Antonio Bertolo; Rodrigo César de Araújo Cunha; Ricardo Hirata
Advisor: Reginaldo Antonio Bertolo

The contamination of the former industrial area 131 (ZUPI 131) at the Jurubatuba area, Sao Paulo, leaded to the demarcation of a groundwater restriction zone by the government authorities which classified the areas as critically contaminated. The lack of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to manage all the data poses many challenges to the problem in the work scale. The development of GIS tool brings new light to the former ZUPI 131 integrated management and its application resulted in a conceptual model of the contamination. The adopted method has proved to be able to deal with the data systematization issues and the tool had good performance, however the data evaluation and processing had just began as well as its interpretation. The tool is dynamic and more data can be imported enabling new interpretations and advances in the cha racterization of the contamination. Spatial operations have identified priority areas for future investigations such as; verify that half of the sites lack records of past land use; characterize the rivers and the streams as main discharge zones of the porous aquifers (sediments and saprolite); characterize the main hot spots of chlorinated solvents contamination; and identify the existence of high concentrations in some of the supply wells close to sites that manipulated chlorinated solvents in the past. All these findings contribute to the integrated management of the former ZUPI 131. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/11691-1 - Conceptual model of the shallow aquifer contamination by chlorinated solvents in the region of the Jurubatuba channel in São Paulo
Grantee:Marcos Bolognini Barbosa
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master