New and rare variations in the genome of patients ... - BV FAPESP
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New and rare variations in the genome of patients with autism spectrum disorders verbal and nonverbal

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Viviane Neri de Souza Reis
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Medicina (FM/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Helena Paula Brentani; Decio Brunoni; Homero Pinto Vallada Filho
Advisor: Helena Paula Brentani

Studies of twins and families have shown that autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are highly heritable (~50%), but its etiology is still unknown, possibly because it is a very heterogeneous phenotype and have multiple genes involved in its development, what characterizes a complex disease such as ASD. Recently, copy number variations (CNVs) and point mutations (SNVs) rare, inherited e de novo, were associated with ASD, suggesting new candidate genes and loci. Because they are very rare, the vast majority of the changes described are individual, so the analysis of different variations grouped by genes and searching for biological functions or hyper represented pathways has been an approach for understanding possible pathogenic mechanisms of ASD. As ASD is clinically very heterogeneous, the use of endophenotypes, specific grouping of genomic changes can help discriminating pathways and biological processes related to phenotypic dimensions. Considering the studies in autism, and the nature of common and rare variants, we sequenced all exons (exome) of 1 family with syndromic ASD (pilot sequencing) and 18 trios of sporadic ASD cases to search for de novo and rare variations with probable functional impact on Brazilian patients; Also, we analyzed whether there is a difference in the enrichment of biological pathways of gene networks from the list of genes affected with de novo and rare deleterious variants in two groups of ASD patients: (1) cases with little or no communication, called nonverbal and (2) cases with average to good communication, called verbal. In the pilot exome sequencing (ASD syndromic family), we found a duplication in 4p16.3 and a deletion in 8p23.3 in both siblings, alterations that were found in patients with syndromes and ASD in previously studies; the analysis of SNVs showed 1 variation de novo and 117 nonsynonymous rare variations inherited from only 1 of the parents in the female sibling, and 150 nonsynonymous rare variations inherited from only 1 of the parents in the male sibling; Pathway analysis revealed enrichment differences of chromosomal regions for each sibling (chromosome 1 for the female patient and chromosome 16 for the male patient), what may be related to their phenotypic differences. In the exome sequencing of trios, as expected, it was found de novo variation in 9 of the patients: 1 de novo CNV (deletion) of 1.5 Mb in the region 29 of the long arm of chromosome 3, a region previously associated with syndrome and developmental disorders; and 8 genes altered by de novo variations, one of those is in the GABBR2, gene with previous evidence of association with ASD. The pathways and networks analysis of rare inherited variants showed that many of the genes related to the two groups verbal and nonverbal are already associated with ASD or interacts with those genes associated with ASD. This pathway and gene network analyses need to be replicated in larger samples, but our preliminary results shows that our study contributes with variations in genes related to neurogenesis and synaptogenesis pathways, regardless of phenotype, with probable impact to specific genes that may be related to severity of clinical presentation (AU)

FAPESP's process: 11/04956-6 - Copy Number Variation in Verbal and Non-verbal patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Grantee:Viviane Neri de Souza Reis
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master