Scholarship 06/01181-5 - Estruturas de aço, Estruturas de concreto - BV FAPESP
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Fire safety in building structures

Grant number: 06/01181-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research
Start date until: October 11, 2006
End date until: February 10, 2007
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Civil Engineering - Structural Engineering
Principal Investigator:Valdir Pignatta e Silva
Grantee:Valdir Pignatta e Silva
Host Investigator: João Paulo Correira Rodrigues
Host Institution: Escola Politécnica (EP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Universidade de Coimbra (UC), Portugal  


The University of Coimbra and the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering of Portugal - LNEC, counting on the participation of more than ten of Portuguese researchers of the area of engineering fire safety, had organized and will offer to a post-graduation course strict sense in this area. International experts will also participate. I was invited by the Prof. João Paulo of the University of Coimbra to carry researches together, to participate of the post-graduation course and participate to a project on "Fire safety structural design". Prof. Dr. João Paulo and Valdir have changed information by email and begun an agreement between the Portuguese Institution and the Polytechnical School. To make possible the execution of this research, Prof. João Paulo came to Brazil in December of 2005 and I intend, in level of post-doutoral, to stay a period of training in the Portuguese University. I intend: - to carry research with Prof. Dr. João Paulo of the University of Coimbra, expert in the area of structures in fire situation, on the behavior in fire of structural elements, in special, steel elements thermal integrated with concrete or masonry. The results of the numerical analysis will have to make comparison with the texts effected in Portugal; - to keep contacts with other Portuguese experts of the area, professors of the post-graduation course, in order to make possible futures works in the area of structures. Moreover, to verify the possibility of mutual contribution for a future code Portuguese-Brazilian of fire safety in buildings; - to attend some discipline and to give lectures in disciplines (AU)

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