Scholarship 24/12870-4 - Ilex paraguariensis, Periodontite periapical - BV FAPESP
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Evaluating the effects of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) supplementation on the organs of animals with Diabetes Mellitus and apical periodontitis

Grant number: 24/12870-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: November 01, 2024
End date until: October 31, 2025
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Dentistry - Endodontics
Principal Investigator:Luciano Tavares Angelo Cintra
Grantee:Verônica Magnani Nunes Romanini
Host Institution: Faculdade de Odontologia (FOA). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Araçatuba. Araçatuba , SP, Brazil


Apical periodontitis (AP) is characterized as an inflammatory disease of theperiradicular tissues originating from endodontic infections. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) isa disorder present in a high proportion of the world's population, characterized as agroup of metabolic diseases marked by hyperglycemia due to insulin resistance. Thepresence of this chronic hyperglycemia is related to systemic functional damage,such as organ failure, especially in the kidneys and liver. Several studies havedemonstrated a bidirectional relationship between these two diseases, whereuncontrolled glycemia becomes a risk factor for the development of AP, and APintensifies the systemic inflammatory changes present. Yerba mate (Ilexparaguariensis) (YM) is a medicinal plant rich in polyphenolic compounds, withanti-inflammatory,antioxidant,antimicrobial,cardiovascularprotection,neuroprotective, anticancer, antidiabetic, antiobesity and intestinal microbiotabalance. In the context of current society's quest for health, interest in the systemicbenefits of YM has been growing recently. Thus, the aim of this study will be toevaluate the influence of YM supplementation on the organs of animals withDiabetes Mellitus and apical periodontitis lesions. 64 Wistar rats will be divided into 8groups: Control Group (CO); Group with induced apical periodontitis (AP); Groupsupplemented with yerba mate (YM); Group with induced AP and supplemented withYM (AP+YM); Diabetic Group (D); Diabetic Group with induced AP (D+AP); DiabeticGroup supplemented with YM (D+YM) and Diabetic Group with induced AP andsupplemented with YM (D+AP+YM). DM will be induced through a singleadministration of streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) and after 7 days it will be confirmed andsupplementation with yerba mate by gavage (80 mg/kg/day) will begin until the endof the experiment. After 35 days from the start of the experiment, AP will be inducedby exposing the pulp of the right upper and lower first and second molars, where thelesions will remain exposed in the pulp cavity for 30 days. Then, on day 65 of theexperiment, euthanasia will be carried out and the right hemi-mandibles will becollected for histological analysis in hematoxylin-eosin (H&E), proving theirinstallation and immunohistochemistry for IL-17. To assess the effects on the organs(liver and kidney), they will be removed at the time of euthanasia for future analysisof the cytokine IL-17 by ELISA and analysis of Thiobarbituric Calcium ReactiveSubstances (TBARS). Throughout the experimental period, on strategic dates, thebody weight and blood glucose of all the animals will be monitored. The results willbe submitted to specific statistical tests for each case, with a significance level of5%.

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