Scholarship 24/09438-3 - Gaston Bachelard, Formação de professores - BV FAPESP
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Epistemological unfoldings of modern physics: Analyzing preservice teachers' conceptions of nature of science

Grant number: 24/09438-3
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Start date until: October 01, 2024
End date until: September 30, 2026
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education - Educational Teaching and Learning
Principal Investigator:Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz
Grantee:Vitória Vieira Chirazava
Host Institution: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:20/04867-2 - High energy physics and instrumentation with the LHC-CERN, AP.ESP


The inclusion of Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP) content in basic school curricula is essential for an education that is in line with the constant changes that the sciences are undergoing. In addition to the study of new phenomena and the development of theories, CMP has led to profound epistemological changes. Thus, the inclusion of elements about the nature of science (NoS) becomes even more essential, especially for an education capable of forming citizens with appropriate perspectives on scientific knowledge, and can be achieved through discussions that include the history and philosophy of science. Above all, one of the characteristics that generates distorted understandings of this activity is the relationship established between the empirical data obtained through experimentation and the theories that organize them. Thus, in order for classrooms to adapt to this panorama, teachers who are trained to teach these topics and promote reflections on scientific practice are needed. In this sense, this work aims to analyze the conception of undergraduate physics students about the relationship between theory and experiment in the context of MCP, as a central element of NoS. To this end, we will explore the potential of the historical episode of electron diffraction, an experiment carried out by Davisson and Germer, to contextualize discussions about elements of scientific practice. Bachelard's historical epistemology is taken as the guiding principle of the analysis, since it incorporates the epistemological transformations resulting from MCP and explores the chosen element. From Bachelard's concepts, the structuring axis of the research is the notion of phenomenotechnics, so expressive in 20th century physics, which proposes a dialectical relationship between the experimental and theoretical planes. We seek to establish relationships between the theoretical bases used in the experimental techniques of the selected experiment by means of a historiographical analysis, in order to develop a didactic intervention in one of the subjects of the physics degree course at USP. From this, we hope to analyze the conceptions of future teachers about the nature of physics and how they change during the course, as well as promoting activities that will help their future teaching activities, inserting discussions about NoS in basic education.

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