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Association of TG/HDL ratio with cardiometabolic risk factors in children of mothers who had gestational diabetes.

Grant number: 23/04156-7
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): August 01, 2023
Effective date (End): July 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine
Principal Investigator:Bianca de Almeida Pititto
Grantee:Laura Bellini Alves de Souza
Host Institution: Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Campus São Paulo. São Paulo , SP, Brazil


The increase in obesity and worse cardiometabolic profiles in children in Brazil and in the world is worrying and reveals the need for studies for increasingly early public health interventions. In this context, the TG/HDL ratio has been increasingly used, mainly for the assessment of insulin resistance in children and adults, but there is still a lack of studies relating this ratio to the cardiometabolic profile (CM) of children born to mothers who had Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). Studies show that children descended from mothers with GDM are at greater risk of early developing obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the identification of the cardiometabolic profile of these offspring can help guide preventive measures for such chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease). Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the association between the TG/HDL ratio and the CM profile (BMI, AC, BP, blood glucose, HbA1c, C-peptide) in children aged 2 to 14 years of mothers who had GDM. The study is a cross-sectional, point-in-time, observational evaluation of a larger study that is a retrospective cohort. This larger study consists of 2 moments: an assessment of the database collected during the prenatal follow-up period of women with GDM and a current assessment of the health status of these mothers and their children. Retrospective data were collected from 2007 to 2020, during which the mothers followed the gestation with GDM at the Diabetes and Gestation Outpatient Clinic, at the Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology at UNIFESP. of contact by telephone from October 2020. After acceptance, the patients and/or legal guardians were scheduled for a face-to-face meeting at the Diabetes Center - Unifesp for the application of the free and informed consent term in order to authorize the use of data previously collected during routine prenatal care, in addition to acceptance to participate in the collection of new face-to-face data consisting of an interview, physical examination and collection of laboratory tests on women and their children. Contact was attempted with all 1004 women with prenatal data. Of these, 202 women and 216 children responded and attended the consultations (94 refused, 48 did not attend, 326 did not respond to contact, 334 were not found in the database contacts). In this way, the current study will investigate the proposed objective including 216 children of mothers who had GDM and who are now between 2 and 13 years old.

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