Scholarship 22/16881-5 - Aprendizado computacional, Armazenamento de energia - BV FAPESP
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Application of state estimation and machine learning techniques for the energy management of microgrids

Grant number: 22/16881-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Start date until: June 01, 2023
End date until: May 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Power Systems
Principal Investigator:Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva
Grantee:Byron Alejandro Acuña Acurio
Supervisor: Bo Norregaard Jorgensen
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark  
Associated to the scholarship:20/03069-5 - Application of state estimation and machine learning techniques for the energy management of microgrids, BP.DR


Microgrids are systems that integrate renewable energy sources, that can operate connected or disconnected to the main electrical network. Traditionally, microgrids operate with distributed energy resources (DERs) such as photovoltaic, wind, storage and thermal generation systems. The patterns of renewable generation in the microgrids are highly intermittent, creating stochastic problems by its nature that challenge real-time control and reliability systems. In this context, it is necessary to detect and process these dynamic and random events that are out of human control, which can be done through machine learning and state estimation algorithms, to calculate and predict the conditions of the microgrid components in different operating scenarios. Thus, state estimation in microgrids is used to convert metering data and other available information into a reliable estimation of unmonitored variables, or alternatively it can be used to filter noise and gross measurement errors. On the other hand, machine learning can be used to deal with microgrid's stochastic parameters. For example, in short-term forecasting of renewable energy, demand, electrical market, and storage systems under uncertainty. Hence, the objective of this research project is to develop and evaluate the performance of machine learning and state estimation algorithms to perform essential microgrid's functions, such as data-driven energy management and short-term data forecasting of renewable generation and demand. Two software prototypes will be developed and tested in the microgrid laboratory of UNICAMP, specifically in the microgrid pilot named as LABREI, which is being implemented at UNICAMP through the project R&D MERGE - Microgrids for Efficient, Reliable and Greener Energy, through the thematic project FAPESP 2016 / 08645-9 and through the São Paulo Center for the Study of Energy Transition (CPTEn) FAPESP 2021/11380-5. The microgrid pilot LABREI is the only one of its kind in Brazil, because has technologies for analysis of microgrid's operation with DERs, real-time controls and instrumentation, advanced telecommunications and data acquisition systems, which are essential for a practical validation of the proposed algorithms. (AU)

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