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Inhabit and live in the periphery: socio-spatial fragmentation and ways of life in Paris and Lyon

Grant number: 22/10883-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Effective date (Start): January 01, 2023
Effective date (End): August 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Geography - Human Geography
Principal Investigator:Maria Encarnação Beltrão Sposito
Grantee:Jean Adrien José Legroux Morant
Supervisor: Michel Lussault
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Presidente Prudente. Presidente Prudente , SP, Brazil
Research place: École Normale Supérieure, Lyon (ENS), France  
Associated to the scholarship:19/04664-7 - Space practices and everyday life: paradigms for the reflection on the spatial dimension of social processes, BP.PD


This project aims at deepening and amplifying two fundamental axes of my current post-doctoral research, which started in 2019. Firstly, the objective is to reinforce theoretical reflections around the concepts of socio-spatial fragmentation, periphery, and the question of inhabiting (or living), that is, the fact of being an inhabitant of a territory said or identified as peripherical. Secondly, the two territories that has been chosen in France, in two cities (Paris and Lyon), will allow to amplify and verify the hypothesis of socio-spatial fragmentation apart from the Brazilian and Latin-American realities, and from two different residential spaces: a popular housing complex HLM (Habitation à Loyer Modéré) localized in Seine-Saint-Denis, in the north of the metropolis of Paris, and a neighborhood of middle-class in the municipality of Meyzieu, in the Lyon metropolitan Region. This project of research in France, ideally, will be realized between December 2022 and may 2023, under the supervision of Michel Lussault, a great reference in contemporary French Geography and professor at the Université de Lyon 2, in the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon, and researcher in the laboratory of research "Environnement, villes, sociétés" (UMR 5600 CNRS/ University of Lyon) and in the Labex IMU (Laboratory of Excellence Intelligence of Urban Worlds), also linked to the Lyon University. (AU)

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