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Infrared photodetectors based on heterostructures containing black phosphorus

Grant number: 22/09018-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): September 01, 2022
Effective date (End): April 30, 2023
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Condensed Matter Physics
Principal Investigator:André Jorge Carvalho Chaves
Grantee:Márcio Gholmié Labriola Filho
Host Institution: Divisão de Ciências Fundamentais (IEF). Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA). Ministério da Defesa (Brasil). São José dos Campos , SP, Brazil


Graphene and other two-dimensional materials have a strong interaction with light, which has encouraged their use in optoelectronic devices. One of the main applications is in photodetector devices, capable of transforming incident electromagnetic radiation into electric current. The use of photodetector devices covers several different purposes, covering areas such as biomedicine, consumer electronics, industry, instrumentation, defense and aerospace. Photodetector devices are characterized by operating frequency, bandwidth, and other figures of merit, such as photoresponsiveness and specific detection.Among the two-dimensional materials, we have black phosphorus, a semiconductor and anisotropic material, whose band gap depends on the number of layers and varies from 1.88 eV in the monolayer to 0.3 eV for the bulk case. This range of gap allows its application in the infrared, and its anisotropy allows the detection of incident polarization as well.In this project we will study photodetectors based on heterostructures containing black phosphorus for infrared applications. The electromagnetic absorption coefficient will be obtained using the transfer matrix method adapted for a biaxial crystal to study the geometries of double cavity, single cavity, and Salisbury screen. Coupling via plasmons through a one-dimensional periodic grid will also be studied.

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