Grant number: | 22/03809-4 |
Support Opportunities: | Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation |
Start date until: | October 01, 2022 |
End date until: | May 31, 2024 |
Field of knowledge: | Agronomical Sciences - Veterinary Medicine |
Principal Investigator: | MARILICE ZUNDT ASTOLPHI |
Grantee: | Gabriella Capitane Sena |
Host Institution: | Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação. Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE). Presidente Prudente , SP, Brazil |
Abstract The use of carotenoids rich foods from cultures that present high production, such asannatto, can bring to animals, in addition to promoting regional development for thelocal agriculture, generating more jobs and income. The aim of this study is toevaluate the effects of annatto concentrate with high concentration of the carotenoidbixin (CUAB), through oxidative stress markers in ewes in pre-partum, post-partum,weaning. The blood and milk of the project will be used, duly registered, in theUnoeste research management system and approved by the CEUA under protocolnumber 7020, originating from 33 Dorper crossbred ewes, belonging to the herdewes of the Unoeste Center zootechnical, located in Presidente Prudente-SP. Theewes was divided into three groups (n=11) experimental, namely: Treatment 1, thecontrol (without addition CUAB); treatment 2 containing 0.5% of CUAB and treatment3 with 1% of CUAB, supplied daily in the diet of the animals. Blood samples wastaken pre-partum, post-partum, and at weaning, which occur at 60 days postpartum.For the evaluation of oxidation, washed red blood cells will be used, using for theanalysis of substances reactive to thiobarbituric acid, reduced thiol groups, hydrogenperoxide, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase. Blood serum willbe used to reduce iron. Milk collection carried out at 45 days postpartum, for lipidextractions (fatty acid profile) the freezing, thawing and centrifugation method will beused, and the extracted fat will be read in a gas chromatograph where the fatty acidprofile will be obtained. For the statistical analysis, a test of variance of repeatedmeasures and a linear regression will be carried out to compare the time and dosesof annatto. The data will be evaluated in the software Rstudio with significance at 5%. | |
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