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Simulation of nuclear fusion reactors for marine propulsion

Grant number: 22/12219-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): October 01, 2022
Effective date (End): September 30, 2023
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Naval and Oceanic Engineering - Design of Ships and Ocean Systems
Principal Investigator:Renato Picelli Sanches
Grantee:Júlia Silberman de Mello
Host Institution: Escola Politécnica (EP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:18/05797-8 - Addressing design challenges of offshore structures via Multiphysics topology optimization, AP.JP


Nuclear fusion can be a zero-carbon energy source and it has been considered scientifically viable. There are a few national projects that aim to incorporate this technology in the country. For instance, the Brazilian Navy is currently designing and producing its own nuclear-powered submarine. In this context, this scientific initiation project aims to study and simulate a Tokamak, the system that holds a nuclear fusion reactor. This project is part of a Young Investigators Project on design optimization of offshore structures and shall build upon codes developed by the team. First, the superconductive coil will be simulated. Then, a structural analysis will be carried out to verify the structural integrity of the chosen system. This represents a complex, integrated system requiring Multiphysics simulations across the thermal, electromagnetic, structural, and fluid flow. (AU)

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