Scholarship 22/05451-0 - Nutrientes, Análise quantitativa - BV FAPESP
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Minimizing matrix effect for quantitative analyses of soil samples using the LIBS technique

Grant number: 22/05451-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: September 01, 2022
End date until: August 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Atomic and Molecular Physics
Principal Investigator:Paulino Ribeiro Villas Boas
Grantee:Luis Carlos Leva Borduchi
Host Institution: Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA). Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Brasil). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:13/07276-1 - CEPOF - Optics and Photonic Research Center, AP.CEPID


Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a promising alternative for the quantification of nutrients and contaminants in soil samples because it requires little sample preparation, is fast, and does not generate harmful residues to the environment. Despite these advantages, LIBS technique has not been established for routine analysis due to low reproducibility, especially because of matrix effects, and low sensitivity for some elements, e.g., Pb, S, and P. In this work, we propose: i) the development of quantitative models based on the calibration-free LIBS (CF-LIBS) and the one-point calibration (OPC) method to minimize matrix effects for soil samples and ii) protocols of sample preparation to improve the sensitivity of the technique. Originally developed in 1999 to minimize matrix effects, CF-LIBS is still barely used today due to its difficulty in use and lack of calibration of emitter densities in the plasma. Proposed in 2013, OPC is a method that empirically corrects the intensity of the emission lines of the elements and can be used to calibrate the density of emitters in the plasma. To increase the sensitivity of the LIBS technique, we will test the addition of some compounds that can intensify the emission lines of the elements of interest. In this proposal, we will use soil samples with varying characteristics of chemical composition and texture. We will also use synthetic samples when it is convenient to test models and methods under controlled and known conditions. Analysis of the results of the proposed models and methods will be done by the coefficient of determination and the root-mean-square error of prediction. The sensitivity of the technique will be evaluated by the limit of detection and the signal-to-noise ratio.(AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
VILLAS-BOAS, PAULINO RIBEIRO; BORDUCHI, LUIS CARLOS LEVA. A statistical definition of limit of detection for calibration-free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, v. 205, p. 9-pg., . (22/05451-0, 13/07276-1)
LEVA BORDUCHI, LUIS CARLOS; BASTOS PEREIRA MILORI, DEBORA MARCONDES; MEYER, MAURICIO CONRADO; VILLAS-BOAS, PAULINO RIBEIRO. Reducing matrix effects on the quantification of Ca, Mg, and Fe in soybean leaf samples using calibration-free LIBS and one-point calibration. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, v. 198, p. 9-pg., . (22/05451-0, 13/07276-1)
LEVA BORDUCHI, LUIS CARLOS; MENEGATTI, CARLOS RENATO; MILORI, DEBORA MARCONDES BASTOS PEREIRA; IZARIO FILHO, HELCIO JOSE; VILLAS-BOAS, PAULINO RIBEIRO. Application of one-point calibration LIBS for quantification of analytes in samples with distinct matrix characteristics: a case study with Hg. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 38, n. 5, p. 9-pg., . (17/19248-3, 22/05451-0, 13/07276-1)
GUEDES, WESLEY NASCIMENTO; BABOS, DIEGO VICTOR; COSTA, VINCIUS CAMARA; DE MORAIS, CARLA PEREIRA; FREITAS, VITOR DA SILVEIRA; STENIO, KLEYDSON; XAVIER, ALFREDO AUGUSTO PEREIRA; BORDUCHI, LUIS CARLOS LEVA; VILLAS-BOAS, PAULINO RIBEIRO; MILORI, DEBORA MARCONDES BASTOS PEREIRA. Evaluation of univariate and multivariate calibration strategies for the direct determination of total carbon in soils by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: tutorial. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, v. 40, n. 5, p. 12-pg., . (22/05451-0, 13/07276-1)

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