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Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and urban interventions for climate adaptation in urban areas

Grant number: 22/06504-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Effective date (Start): July 01, 2022
Effective date (End): December 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Ecology - Applied Ecology
Principal Investigator:Gabriela Marques Di Giulio
Grantee:Luciana Schwandner Ferreira
Host Institution: Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEA). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:20/06694-8 - BIOTA SYNTHESIS - Nucleus of Analysis and Synthesis of Nature-Based Solutions, AP.BTA.NPOP
Associated scholarship(s):23/07131-5 - Exploring climate-based recommendations for urban planning through nature based approach, BE.EP.PD


Cities, particularly large urban centers, are characterized by problems concerned to inefficient infrastructure, urban logistics, green (e.g. parks, squares, afforestation) and blue infrastructure (e.g. rivers, lakes). The risks and impacts associated with the deficiencies in urban areas are evident and increasingly frequent: severe and recurrent flooding, excessive heating of urban surfaces (contributing to urban heat islands), poor air quality, among others (EMMANUEL, 2005). The climate change effects may further exacerbate these risks and increase the vulnerability conditions of certain social groups, since adaptation measures have not been yet concretely embedded in the political agendas of Brazilian municipalities (DI GIULIO et al., 2019). While urbanization carries with it such problems, it also presents an opportunity for climate change adaptation aligned with sustainable development goals (DUARTE et al., 2019). This post-doctoral research seeks to study the association between green infrastructure, urban planning design, and their effects on ecosystem services, considering different climate change scenarios and urban areas in the State of São Paulo. The goals are: (1) to map climate vulnerability at different scales (cities, metropolitan regions, macrometropolis, São Paulo State) and for different social groups; (2) to evaluate the ongoing climate change adaptation process and adaptive capacity at these different scales; (3) to evaluate, through predictive models for future scenarios involving climate change and urban planning and design, the feasibility of such interventions aligned to Nature-based Solutions (NbS) at these different scales; and propose new projects for afforestation or expansion of green areas compatible with the built environment. The results will provide inputs for the development of climate adaptation strategies in urban areas, identification of areas for new urban forests projects or expansion of green areas, and vulnerability reduction actions in the State of São Paulo. The objective of this post-doc project is to study the association between green infrastructure, urban interventions, and their effects on ecosystem services, considering different urban environments in the State of São Paulo, aiming to map climate vulnerabilities, assess adaptation and investigate the feasibility of interventions and urban arrangements that can contribute to the adaptive capacity of cities and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. Therefore, climate vulnerability models will be used and indicators of adaptation to climate change will be developed. Environmental and social aspects will be considered (from census data and other information collected in databases, NEDER et al. (2021); ARAYA-MUÑOZ et al. 2016) and the type of construction and the potential for well-being (thermal comfort) to be estimated inside the dwellings. Predictive models will also be used for future scenarios involving climate change and urban interventions (increased afforestation, creation of new green areas, introduction of new architectural and urban design concepts, implementation of master plans, etc.), to assess the feasibility of such interventions. The results will provide subsidies for the elaboration of adaptation strategies to climate change, identification of areas for new afforestation projects or expansion of green areas and vulnerability reduction actions in the State of São Paulo. (AU)

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