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Studies on the life cycle of myxozoans and integrative taxonomy of species in Brazil

Grant number: 22/06703-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Effective date (Start): January 05, 2023
Effective date (End): April 04, 2023
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Fishery Resources and Fishery Engineering - Inland Water Fishery Resources
Principal Investigator:Reinaldo José da Silva
Grantee:Diego Henrique Mirandola Dias Vieira
Supervisor: Maria João Faria Leite Dias dos Santos
Host Institution: Instituto de Biociências (IBB). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Botucatu. Botucatu , SP, Brazil
Research place: Universidade do Porto (UP), Portugal  
Associated to the scholarship:19/19060-0 - Systematic and distribution of myxozoans collected in fish from Pardo River, middle Paranapanema River, State of São Paulo, BP.PD


Fish parasites are important study targets, especially due to their impact on host health and concerns about aquaculture worldwide. Myxozoans are some of the agents responsible for diseases in fish, which can cause significant economic losses, with high mortality rates. Myxozoans are a group of parasitic cnidarians that have a complex life cycle, including a vertebrate host, mainly fish, and an invertebrate host, usually annelids. In Brazil, only three types of actinospores have been reported and no life cycle has been elucidated. Many myxozoans are still unknown to the scientific community, and their potential to cause disease in economically important fish is undetermined. The objective of this study is to identify morphologically and molecularly the myxozoan parasites found parasitizing Pimelodus maculatus from Rio Pardo, Brazil, through partial sequencing of the ssurDNA gene, in addition to performing ultrastructural studies of these species. Studies on annelids from Portugal will provide experience for future studies related to the life cycle of myxozoan species from Brazil. (AU)

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