Scholarship 21/05308-0 - Planejamento educacional, Internet - BV FAPESP
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The internet as a youth territory: exist and resist in networks

Grant number: 21/05308-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: July 01, 2021
End date until: January 31, 2022
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Cristiane Gonçalves da Silva
Grantee:David Gomes de Lorence Lima
Host Institution: Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade (ISS). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Campus Baixada Santista. Santos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:17/25950-2 - Youth vulnerabilities to STI/HIV and to dating violence: evaluating a human rights based psychosocial intervention, AP.TEM


This scientific initiation project is entailed to Thematic Project (#2017/2590-2), that is in a strategical redirecting moment because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is also in the activities planning strategies at the schools and thematic discussions to be deepened with the young interlocutors from the schools insert in the Thematic.The study and the scholarship of initiation project has an objective analyse, by a ethnographic perspective from social medias, the devices and possibilities of discrimination and decrease of gender inequality and sexuality that young people find out and constructs in the internet, imaterial territory that assumes centrality in the pandemic times. This scientific initiation (SI) intends to collaborate with a mapping of the social medias used by that young students, analyses of the occupation and participation in the territory (internet) and the identification of resistances and breakages to the oppression devices that happens on the internet and/or the discriminations reproductions. Starting from a ethnographic immersion in the territory-internet, escorting school interlocutors, the young students, will be possible to better understand the contemporary way of life and produce subsidies, raise relevant themes to the youth reality that could be worked in workshops/circles of conversation/ focused study group foreseen in the Thematic research.The scholarship holder will integrate the Baixada Santista work group, realizing the escort of the developing activities at ETEC Aristóteles Ferreira (ETECAF), participating in the data collection of thematic research. At the moment, in the fact of the pandemic, the activities are been done in a remote way, creating a different, but a mighty space to research, field and practice.Beyond this the current methodologic review that the thematic is passing trough will count with the results of this SI, that could contribute with a elaboration of research instruments that trigger the youth participation in a virtual context, allowing more mighty bond constructions, and, hence, knowing deeper their reality and quotidian. This way, it is intended to invest in more assertive interventions from the developing research and the horizontality settled in the grupo methodologies, in particular, the workshops.The activities that the scholarship holder will make are: (1) collaborate with the current Preliminary Study developed by Thematic Research (data devolutive and the unfolding at the two participating schools in Santos); (2) collaborate with the formative process referred to methodological and ethical capacitation of the high school students of the referred schools, included, as scholarship holders and volunteers of SI-High school and young agents; (3) make the attendance of the IC-EM; (4) make a bibliography lifting about the prioritaires thematics: internet and youth; internet research methodologies, in particular, virtual/digital ethnography; internet and social difference markers (generation, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation); (5) perform ethnography of at least one of the social networks most used by interlocutors, observing practices and exchanges between students, mobilizations, reactions around gender inequality and sexuality, in collaboration with IC-EM scholarship holder students; (6) identify pertinent and connected themes with the quotidian of the young students for the realization of the workshops and others groups methodologies; (7) create digital content and space to discussion and reception to young people for specific demands referred to gender and sexuality inequality; (8) collaborate with all process in the development of Thematic Research; (9) elaborate process registers of the research, partial and final reports; (10) participate in formative/scientific events related to the thematic studies. (AU)

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