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The amphorae of Vetera I: contacts, frontiers and Roman military supply in the limes germanicus

Grant number: 20/14025-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Effective date (Start): April 01, 2021
Effective date (End): September 30, 2023
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Archeology - Historical Archaeology
Principal Investigator:Vagner Carvalheiro Porto
Grantee:Matheus Morais Cruz
Host Institution: Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (MAE). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):22/01385-2 - The Roman army and the amphorae of Vetera I and Colonia Ulpia Traiana: new studies on the historical and archaeological data, BE.EP.MS


This research aims to understand the dynamics of social, political, cultural and economic relations established between Romans, in particular, soldiers and veterans stationed in the Vetera I military camp (approximately 16 BC - 70 AD), located on the banks of the Rhine, in modern Xanten, Germany, and the natives of the surrounding Germanic communities, from the study of the amphorae identified in excavations carried out on the site, products that come from the military supply system, which, in turn, will be studied in its regional context and in its relationship with the economic, political and social spheres of the Roman Empire. The research will consider the relationship of the camp with the so-called limes germanicus, discussing the concept of frontiers in the Roman world, which will be understood as areas of contact, communication and integration between culturally and ethnically diverse peoples. Supported by projects developed by the Laboratory for Roman Provincial Archeology (LARP/MAE-USP) financed by FAPESP (process no. 2015/17836-0) and with the expertise of the Research Group (CNPq) ARISE - Interactive Archeology and Electronic Simulations, both coordinated by Prof. Dr. Vagner Carvalheiro Porto, we will also produce an electronic game that will collaborate for the promotion of research results, both for the academic public and for a broader audience, including teachers and students from basic education and interested people in general. (AU)

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Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
CRUZ, Matheus Morais. Beyond provincial frontiers: Investigating the commercial and military flows of Roman amphorae from Xanten. 2024. Master's Dissertation - Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (MAE) São Paulo.

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