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Randomized controlled trial for late life Depression in socioeconomically deprived areas of São Paulo, Brazil

Grant number: 20/14504-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): December 01, 2020
Effective date (End): November 30, 2021
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine - Psychiatry
Acordo de Cooperação: MRC, UKRI
Principal Investigator:Marcia Scazufca
Grantee:Caio Hudson Queiroz de Souza
Host Institution: Faculdade de Medicina (FM). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:17/50094-2 - Cluster randomised controlled trial for late life Depression in socieconomically deprived areas of São Paulo, Brazil, AP.TEM


Four 'Scientific Initiation' scholarships linked to the Thematic Project "MRC-FAPESP Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) for late depression in socioeconomically deprived areas of São Paulo, Brazil" were requested. The fellows will participate in academic and field activities (data collection, activities related to psychosocial intervention, etc.) related to the clinical trial. The main objective of the scholarships is that university students (scholarship holders) have an opportunity to participate in all stages of the clinical trial together with a team of experienced researchers from various fields and countries. A fellow (12 months), student in the humanities area, will actively participate in the creation of audiovisual material and in the development and maintenance of the project website, in addition to the other activities of the project. The other three fellows (12 months each) will be university students with an interest in developing research skills in the field of epidemiology and mental health. These four fellows will participate in the activities of data collection and quality control, training and supervision activities in the Basic Health Units. The Scientific Initiation fellows will be supervised by Dr. Scazufca, researcher responsible for the study in Brazil. They will participate in the weekly meetings of the Study Management Committee and the Meeting of the General Coordination of the Study held in São Paulo.

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
NAKAMURA, CARINA AKEMI; SCAZUFCA, MARCIA; MORETTI, FELIPE AZEVEDO; NADALETO DIDONE, THIAGO VINICIUS; DE SA MARTINS, MARIANA MENDES; PEREIRA, LUARA ARAGONI; QUEIROZ DE SOUZA, CAIO HUDSON; DE OLIVEIRA, GABRIEL MACIAS; DA COSTA, MARCELO OLIVEIRA; MACHADO, MARCELO; et al. Digital psychosocial intervention for depression among older adults in socioeconomically deprived areas in Brazil (PRODIGITAL-D): protocol for an individually randomised controlled trial. Trials, v. 23, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (21/03849-3, 21/10148-1, 20/14504-4, 21/04493-8, 18/19343-9, 17/50094-2, 21/04230-7, 20/02272-1, 20/14768-1)
FELIPE AZEVEDO MORETTI; MÁRCIA SCAZUFCA; CARINA AKEMI NAKAMURA; CAIO HUDSON QUEIROZ DE SOUZA; NADINE SEWARD; RICARDO ARAYA; DARÍO MORENO-AGOSTINO. Uso do WhatsApp por idosos depressivos em áreas socioeconomicamente carentes de Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brasil: desafios e possibilidades para a telessaúde. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, v. 38, n. 12, . (20/02272-1, 20/14504-4)

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