Scholarship 20/03183-2 - Mídias sociais, Análise do discurso - BV FAPESP
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Pride of being a reader: a discursive analysis of what young readers enunciate about themselves and about reading in posts at the social network Skoob

Grant number: 20/03183-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Start date until: September 01, 2020
End date until: February 28, 2022
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Linguistics - Linguistic Theory and Analysis
Principal Investigator:Luzmara Curcino Ferreira
Grantee:Andrei Cezar da Silva
Host Institution: Centro de Educação e Ciências Humanas (CECH). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil


In this project that we propose, enrolled among the researches undertaken by LIRE, whose the purpose is to analyze current discourses about reading, we aim to raise, describe and analyze discourses in which are manifested certain emotions commonly mobilized when we are talking about reading. The enunciation of certain affections acts as a way of arguing, as a relatively protocol duty/power when we are talking about a particular practice or about the subjects who undertake it. Considering its discursive role, we will dedicate our attention to the analysis of discourses in which the expression of "pride" of the reading emerges, the pride of being a reader, the pride of reading in conformity with the most valued ways of exercising this practice from a determined (social, cultural, and age) group. We intend in this research to raise, constitute and analyze a corpus of discourses that indicate the manifestation of "pride" concerning the practice of reading in posts by young Internet users enrolled in the social network SKOOB, self-declared the "largest social network of readers of Brazil". Internet users of SKOOB can register their readers' profiles, post their comments about works already read or that are still intended to read, make evaluations or prognoses of future releases of works, authors and genres, and establish relationships with others readers and even with some authors enrolled on the platform. Thus, what is said about the reading in these posts interests us, as it echoes consensual collective representations that these young people share about this practice as well as all of us subject of the same time and space. We aim to perceive the ways in which they are worth to be presented/recognized as readers, and to what discourses about reading these forms of representation of themselves reassemble, focusing on those statements in which there is the enunciation, direct or indirect, of "pride" (or its effects) correlated to the condition of being a reader. In order to identify probable continuities and/or discontinuities in the discourses about reading that circulate between us today, as well as to describe regularities and variations in representations of "pride" in this practice, linked with this specific segment readers, we will be supported in our analysis in principles of the Discourse Analysis, Cultural history of Reading and the history of sensitivities/emotions, according to precursors of the French Discourse Analysis, and the way that Jean-Jacques Courtine has undertaken this. (AU)

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