Scholarship 20/02681-9 - Citogenética, Filogeografia - BV FAPESP
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Evolutionary relationships and demographic history in Loricariidae (Siluriformes) species, with emphasis on Harttia genus

Grant number: 20/02681-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Start date until: August 01, 2020
End date until: January 22, 2025
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Genetics - Animal Genetics
Principal Investigator:Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Grantee:Francisco de Menezes Cavalcante Sassi
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (CCBS). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):23/08116-0 - Deepen into the satellitome of Harttia: investigations across distinct sex chromosome systems, BE.EP.DR   22/04261-2 - Integrating cytogenetics and genomics: evolution of sex chromosome systems in Harttia (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) species, BE.EP.DR


Geographic barriers and genetic mechanisms are mainly responsible for reproductive isolation in several species. Chromosomal rearrangements, especially involving the sexual pair, are determinants to postzygotic isolation. Fishes known as "cascudos" and "acaris" belong to Loricariidae family and presents a huge karyotypic variation, with diploid numbers varying from 36 to 74 chromosomes per cell, in addition to both simple and multiple sex chromosome systems in several species. Between the members of this family, the genus Harttia is highlighted, inhabiting small streams of Neotropical region, with a special emphasis for Brazil, that encompasses the greatest diversity. Considering all 27 described species, only eight presents cytogenetical data. However, two sex chromosome systems and a variation of 52 to 62 chromosomes are described, which indicates that this groups fits as a good model for evolutionary studies. By that, we aim to perform an analysis on Loricariidae species, with emphasis on Harttia genus, whose results obtained will be compared with chromosomal, genomic and evolutionary divergence time data. For this, classical cytogenetic experiments (Giemsa and c-banding) and molecular (chromosomal painting, comparative genomic hybridization, DNA mapping by FISH), allied to DNA sequencing (DArT-Seq) and bioinformatic analysis to: i) perform an evolutionary cytogenomics analysis in Harttia species and in phylogenetic related groups; ii) investigate the origin of sex chromosome systems in Harttia; iii) analyze the impact of sex chromosome systems in genetic diversity and; iv) trace the demographic history and phylogeography of Harttia. This project presents a continuity on studies of Fish Cytogenetics Lab in Siluriformes members, contributing to a better understand of genetic mechanisms behind the evolutionary process. (AU)

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Scientific publications (10)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SASSI, FRANCISCO DE MENEZES CAVALCANTE; DEON, GEIZE APARECIDA; SEMBER, ALEXANDR; LIEHR, THOMAS; OYAKAWA, OSVALDO TAKESHI; MOREIRA FILHO, ORLANDO; BERTOLLO, LUIZ ANTONIO CARLOS; VICARI, MARCELO RICARDO; CIOFFI, MARCELO DE BELLO. Turnover of multiple sex chromosomes in Harttia catfish (Siluriformes, Loricariidae): a glimpse from whole chromosome painting. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, v. 14, p. 8-pg., . (20/02681-9, 20/11772-8, 22/04261-2)
NIRCHIO, MAURO; OLIVEIRA, CLAUDIO; CIOFFI, MARCELO DE BELLO; SASSI, FRANCISCO M. C.; RIZZI, FRANCISCO PROVENZANO; BENAVIDES, SANTIAGO WLADIMIR NUNEZ; BERRONES, ALISON JAZMIN CALDERON; ROMERO, JUAN FRANCISCO RIVADENEIRA; DEON, GEIZE APARECIDA; KURANAKA, MARIANA; et al. Integrative morphological, cytogenetic and molecular characterization of the Andean climbing catfish Astroblepus mindoensis (Regan, 1916) (Siluriformes:Astroblepidae). Journal of Fish Biology, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (23/08116-0, 20/02681-9, 22/04261-2, 20/13433-6, 23/00955-2)
DE MACEDO LEITE, PRISCILA POLAQUINI; CAVALCANTE SASSI, FRANCISCO DE MENEZES; FERREIRA MARINHO, MANOELA MARIA; NIRCHIO, MAURO; ROSA DE MORAES, RENATA LUIZA; TOMA, GUSTAVO AKIRA; CARLOS BERTOLLO, LUIZ ANTONIO; CIOFFI, MARCELO DE BELLO. Tracking the evolutionary pathways among Brazilian Lebiasina species (Teleostei: Lebiasinidae): a chromosomal and genomic comparative investigation. Neotropical Ichthyology, v. 20, n. 1, p. 14-pg., . (20/03046-5, 20/11772-8, 20/02681-9)
ROSA DE MORAES, RENATA LUIZA; CAVALCANTE SASSI, FRANCISCO DE MENEZES; CARLOS BERTOLLO, LUIZ ANTONIO; FERREIRA MARINHO, MANOELA MARIA; VIANA, PATRIK FERREIRA; FELDBERG, ELIANA; SALES OLIVEIRA, VANESSA CRISTINA; DEON, GEIZE APARECIDA; AL-RIKABI, AHMED B. H.; LIEHR, THOMAS; et al. Tracking the Evolutionary Trends Among Small-Size Fishes of the Genus Pyrrhulina (Characiforme, Lebiasinidae): New Insights From a Molecular Cytogenetic Perspective. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, v. 12, . (20/11772-8, 20/02681-9, 19/25045-3)
ROSA DE MORAES, RENATA LUIZA; CAVALCANTE SASSI, FRANCISCO DE MENEZES; FERREIRA MARINHO, MANOELA MARIA; RAB, PETR; REBELO PORTO, JORGE IVAN; FELDBERG, ELIANA; CIOFFI, MARCELO DE BELLO. Small Body, Large Chromosomes: Centric Fusions Shaped the Karyotype of the Amazonian Miniature Fish Nannostomus anduzei (Characiformes, Lebiasinidae). GENES, v. 14, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (20/11772-8, 20/02681-9, 19/25045-3)
DE M. C. SASSI, FRANCISCO; PEREZ, MANOLO F.; OLIVEIRA, VANESSA CRISTINA S.; DEON, GEIZE A.; DE SOUZA, FERNANDO H. S.; FERREIRA, PEDRO H. N.; DE OLIVEIRA, EZEQUIEL A.; HATANAKA, TERUMI; LIEHR, THOMAS; BERTOLLO, LUIZ A. C.; et al. High Genetic Diversity despite Conserved Karyotype Organization in the Giant Trahiras from Genus Hoplias (Characiformes, Erythrinidae). GENES, v. 12, n. 2, . (18/24235-0, 18/22033-1, 20/02681-9)
SASSI, FRANCISCO DE M. C.; DEON, GEIZE A.; MOREIRA-FILHO, ORLANDO; VICARI, MARCELO R.; BERTOLLO, LUIZ A. C.; LIEHR, THOMAS; DE OLIVEIRA, EZEQUIEL AGUIAR; CIOFFI, MARCELO B.. Multiple Sex Chromosomes and Evolutionary Relationships in Amazonian Catfishes: The Outstanding Model of the Genus Harttia (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). GENES, v. 11, n. 10, . (18/22033-1, 20/02681-9)
DEON, GEIZE APARECIDA; GLUGOSKI, LARISSA; VICARI, MARCELO RICARDO; NOGAROTO, VIVIANE; SASSI, FRANCISCO DE MENEZES CAVALCANTE; CIOFFI, MARCELO DE BELLO; LIEHR, THOMAS; BERTOLLO, LUIZ ANTONIO CARLOS; MOREIRA-FILHO, ORLANDO. Highly Rearranged Karyotypes and Multiple Sex Chromosome Systems in Armored Catfishes from the Genus Harttia (Teleostei, Siluriformes). GENES, v. 11, n. 11, . (18/22033-1, 20/02681-9)
SASSI, FRANCISCO DE M. C.; MOREIRA-FILHO, ORLANDO; DEON, GEIZE A.; SEMBER, ALEXANDR; BERTOLLO, LUIZ A. C.; LIEHR, THOMAS; OLIVEIRA, VANESSA C. S.; VIANA, PATRIK F.; FELDBERG, ELIANA; VICARI, MARCELO R.; et al. Adding New Pieces to the Puzzle of Karyotype Evolution in Harttia (Siluriformes, Loricariidae): Investigation of Amazonian Species. BIOLOGY-BASEL, v. 10, n. 9, . (20/11772-8, 20/02681-9)
SASSI, FRANCISCO DE MENEZES CAVALCANTE; SEMBER, ALEXANDR; DEON, GEIZE APARECIDA; LIEHR, THOMAS; PADUTSCH, NIKLAS; OYAKAWA, OSVALDO TAKESHI; VICARI, MARCELO RICARDO; BERTOLLO, LUIZ ANTONIO CARLOS; MOREIRA-FILHO, ORLANDO; CIOFFI, MARCELO DE BELLO. Homeology of sex chromosomes in Amazonian Harttia armored catfishes supports the X-fission hypothesis for the X1X2Y sex chromosome system origin. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (23/08116-0, 20/02681-9, 20/11772-8, 22/04261-2)

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