Scholarship 19/18892-1 - Paleomagnetismo, Geocronologia - BV FAPESP
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Paleogeography in the Ediacaran-Cambrian: case study of the Araçuaí orogen

Grant number: 19/18892-1
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Start date until: October 24, 2019
End date until: October 23, 2020
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Geophysics
Principal Investigator:Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da Trindade
Grantee:Filipe Altoé Temporim
Supervisor: Matthew Michael Domeier
Host Institution: Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: University of Oslo (UiO), Norway  
Associated to the scholarship:17/11672-0 - Ediacaran-Cambrian paleogeography study of post-collisional intrusions from Araçuaí belt (es), BP.DR


The latitudinal distribution of continental masses and mountain chains is a key element in the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Ediacaran-Cambrian times. However, there is a scant paleomagnetic database for this time interval, and the few poles available for the same age shows high dispersion between them, and overall cannot be correlated. Besides the unconstrained latitude of the blocks, the age and evolution of the mountain chains are also undetermined along most of the Brasiliano-Panafrican belts. In this project, we intend to better define the position and evolution of part of the Araçuai Orogen (AO) by combining paleomagnetic data in the post-collisional intrusions, SIG-based paleogeographic reconstructions and a compilation of geochronological and thermochronological data from SE Brazil. The study is focused on Cambrian granitic bodies (~ 500 Ma) pluton Santa Angelica, pluton Conceição de Muqui and Chanockito Padre Paraiso. For the definition of the emplacement model, structural study of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was already performed for Santa Angélica pluton and Conceição de Muqui pluton and will be performed for Padre Paraíso charnockite. In this project, we intend to better define the position and evolution of the AO combining paleomagnetic data in the post-collisional intrusions, and a compilation of geochronological and thermochronological data from AO. For this, reference Neoproterozoic paleomagnetic poles of these targets will be performed using rock magnetic techniques such as alternating field demagnetization (AF) and thermal demagnetization (TD) to successfully discriminate the most reliable magnetization directions. The paleogeographic reconstruction will be performed on the GIS-based GPlates platform in order to create a continuous-time model from Ediacaran to Cambrian with tectonophysical links. There are four alternative paleogeographic scenarios for the AO. Such models do not consider paleomagnetic data as input. The reconstruction from this work will be used to test these existing primary models for the evolution of the araçuaí orogen. This project is part of the Fapesp Thematic Project 2016/06114-6.

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TEMPORIM, F. A.; BELLON, U. D.; DOMEIER, M.; TRINDADE, R. I. F.; D'AGRELLA-FILHO, M. S.; TOHVER, E.. Constraining the Cambrian drift of Gondwana with new paleomagnetic data from post-collisional plutons of the Aracuai orogen, SE Brazil. Precambrian Research, v. 359, . (19/18892-1, 16/06114-6, 17/11672-0)

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