Scholarship 19/15550-2 - Ecologia, Mudança climática - BV FAPESP
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Effects of hydrological connectivity on floodplain fisheries in Amazonia

Grant number: 19/15550-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Start date until: August 01, 2019
End date until: June 30, 2020
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Agreement: Belmont Forum
Principal Investigator:Evlyn Márcia Leão de Moraes Novo
Grantee:Carolina Tavares de Freitas
Host Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil). São José dos Campos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:18/12083-1 - Balancing biodiversity conservation with development in Amazon wetlands - bonds, AP.R


Amazonian floodplains have great importance, both ecological and socioeconomic. These regions have been suffering major threats to their integrity, which range from the construction of hydroelectric dams to the impact of extreme events associated with climate change. Such threats not only affect the environment, and the biodiversity associated with it, but also the food security and financial sustainability of thousands of people living in those areas and depending directly on local resources. Fishing activities stand out in such scenario, since they correspond to the basis of subsistence and local economy, and suffer direct impacts from changes in the floodplains. Although signs of degradation are becoming more intense, and bringing serious consequences, little attention has been given so far to these critical environments. As such, this project aims to evaluate how the hydrological connectivity affects the fishing productivity of the floodplain lakes, in current conditions and in scenarios of global changes. To do so, we will collect fishing and habitat data in the field, and use advanced methods of statistical analysis to model the amount of fish from different species caught by fishermen in function of the respective levels of hydrological connectivity and data on vegetation, relief, water levels, lakes' depth and area, among other variables. We will also use products derived from hydroclimatic modeling, produced by collaborators, to assess the effect of climate change on lake connectivity and fishing. With our study, we expect to generate important information for supporting decision-making regarding the maintenance of the vast biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by Amazonian floodplains. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TAGLIARI, MARIO M.; LEVIS, CAROLINA; FLORES, BERNARDO M.; BLANCO, GRAZIELA D.; FREITAS, CAROLINA T.; BOGONI, JULIANO A.; VIEILLEDENT, GHISLAIN; PERONI, NIVALDO. Collaborative management as a way to enhance Araucaria Forest resilience. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 19, n. 2, p. 131-142, . (19/15550-2)
LOPES, PRISCILA F. M.; DE FREITAS, CAROLINA TAVARES; HALLWASS, GUSTAVO; SILVANO, RENATO A. M.; BEGOSSI, ALPINA; CAMPOS-SILVA, JOAO VITOR. Just Aquatic Governance: The Amazon basin as fertile ground for aligning participatory conservation with social justice. AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, v. 31, n. 5, SI, . (19/15550-2, 18/22087-4)
LOPES, PRISCILA F. M.; DE FREITAS, CAROLINA TAVARES; HALLWASS, GUSTAVO; SILVANO, RENATO A. M.; BEGOSSI, ALPINA; CAMPOS-SILVA, JOAO VITOR. Just Aquatic Governance: The Amazon basin as fertile ground for aligning participatory conservation with social justice. AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, v. 31, n. 5, p. 16-pg., . (18/22087-4, 19/15550-2)

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