Scholarship 18/24003-2 - Mordida aberta - BV FAPESP
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Three-dimensional changes in open bite patients treated with bonded spurs associated or not with posterior build-ups: a randomized clinical trial

Grant number: 18/24003-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Start date until: July 01, 2019
End date until: December 31, 2019
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Dentistry - Orthodontics
Principal Investigator:Guilherme dos Reis Pereira Janson
Grantee:Arón Aliaga Del Castillo
Supervisor: Lucia Helena Cevidanes
Host Institution: Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru (FOB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Bauru , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: University of Michigan, United States  
Associated to the scholarship:17/06440-3 - Anterior open bite treatment with bonded spurs associated with build-ups versus conventional bonded spurs: a randomized clinical trial, BP.DR


Introduction: Anterior open bite is commonly related with increased vertical dimension. Some early treatment protocols consider the association of appliances that eliminate the deleterious habits with others that produce vertical control of posterior teeth. Superimposition of digital models has been used to assess the three-dimensional effects of orthodontic treatment in some malocclusions. Nevertheless, the use of this method in anterior open bite treatment evaluation has not been reported. Objective: The aim of this study is to compare the three-dimensional changes in anterior open bite patients treated with bonded spurs associated or not with posterior build-ups. Material and Methods: Fifty patients between 7 and 11 years old with anterior open bite were prospectively and randomly allocated to one of the two treatment groups. The Experimental Group comprised 25 patients treated with lingual bonded spurs associated with posterior build-ups, and the Control Group comprised 25 patients treated only with lingual bonded spurs. Digital models, acquired by intraoral scanning, were obtained at the beginning (T1) and after 12 months of treatment (T2). Superimpositions of T1 and T2 digital dental models will be performed in 3D SlicerCMF software, based on points and regions of interest. Three-dimensional linear distances and the amount of directional changes in each plane of 3D space (x, y, and z: mediolateral, anteroposterior and superoinferior axes, respectively) will be measured. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Bland Altman tests will be used to assess reproducibility. After verifying sample´s normal distribution, intergroup comparisons will be performed with t test (P<0.05).

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ALIAGA-DEL CASTILLO, ARON; VILANOVA, LORENA; MIRANDA, FELICIA; ARRIOLA-GUILLEN, LUIS ERNESTO; GARIB, DANIELA; JANSON, GUILHERME. Dentoskeletal changes in open bite treatment using spurs and posterior build-ups: A randomized clinical trial. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS, v. 159, n. 1, p. 10-20, . (18/05238-9, 18/24003-2, 17/06440-3)
ALIAGA-DEL CASTILLO, ARON; JANSON, GUILHERME; VILANOVA, LORENA; CEVIDANES, LUCIA; YATABE, MARILIA; GARIB, DANIELA; ARRIOLA-GUILLEN, LUIS ERNESTO; MIRANDA, FELICIA; MASSARO, CAMILA; BELLINI-PEREIRA, SILVIO AUGUSTO; et al. Three-dimensional dentoalveolar changes in open bite treatment in mixed dentition, spurs/posterior build-ups versus spurs alone: 1-year follow-up randomized clinical trial. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (17/06440-3, 18/05238-9, 18/24003-2)

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