Scholarship 17/16523-3 - Cinema brasileiro, Análise de filmes - BV FAPESP
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From boca do lixo cinema to digital pornography: the body of Brazilian travesti

Grant number: 17/16523-3
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Start date until: December 01, 2017
End date until: March 31, 2019
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Sociology
Principal Investigator:Jorge Leite Júnior
Grantee:Dionys Melo dos Santos
Host Institution: Centro de Educação e Ciências Humanas (CECH). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil


This research project aims to analyze, through the comparative method and the changes in the body patterns of Brazilian actresses transvestites/transexuals, the process of representation of these within the national audiovisual pornographic production in two different moments:at the beginning, during the eighties, within the commercial logic of the film production of the São Paulo garbage mouth and in its most contemporary phase, acute, focused on digital production and distribution, via the Internet, starting from some specific sites:I) e II) the websites that make up the pornographic conglomerate Pornhub Network (specifically the most accessed:,, and All of these platforms have the characteristic of distributing their content for free, which favors the increase in their access flows and searches. Starting from a bibliographical and documentary research on aspects of the representation of sex and gender with transvestites within the Brazilian pornographic tradition, we intend to investigate:as the bodies of transvestites appear represented within the national pornographic tradition. (AU)

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