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Many-body non-classical signatures in cold atoms fluorescence

Grant number: 17/13250-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Effective date (Start): November 01, 2017
Effective date (End): December 31, 2020
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Atomic and Molecular Physics
Principal Investigator:Celso Jorge Villas-Bôas
Grantee:Carlos Eduardo Máximo
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:13/04162-5 - Development of quantum sensors based on ultracold atoms, AP.TEM
Associated scholarship(s):19/21553-4 - Signatures of quantum correlations in cooperative spontaneous emission, BE.EP.PD


The access to non-classical processes in many-body systems is a challenge that intrigues both theorists and experimentalists. Even if the realization of such phenomena is possible from a technological-experimental point of view, there are still few theoretical predictions guiding such experiments. The situation worsens when the quantum dynamics of many particles is out-of-equilibrium, as the associated Hilbert space grows exponentially with the number of degrees of freedom. This makes exact numerical simulations completely infeasible and motivates the search for new approaches. In the context of light scattering by a single atom, light fluorescence has successfully connected theory and experiments. Non-classical phenomena, such as the appearance of side bands in the radiation spectrum (the Mollow triplet) and photon antibuching, were predicted in the radiation field coherences and successfully corroborated. In a cloud with many atoms, real and virtual photons give rise to short- and long-range interactions between the dipoles. In the diluted regime, the long-range terms prevail which allows the emergence of cooperative modes in the system. The present project aims to reveal many-body quantum correlations through light fluorescence emitted by cold and dilute atomic clouds. Cooperative corrections of the Mollow triplet and photon antibuching must arise, as well as the competition between superradiance and long-range dipole blockage. Many-body non-classical signatures are expected to be obtained by resummation of diagrams in the coherences of the radiation field. This methodology is extracted from quantum field theory and little used in quantum optics community, therefore, it is believed that such fusion will result in a research line not yet explored in Brazil. The results will be confronted with experiments in São Carlos - SP and will boost the development of quantum sensors with ultra-cold atoms.

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MAXIMO, CARLOS E.; MOREIRA, NOEL A.; KAISER, ROBIN; BACHELARD, ROMAIN. Anderson localization of light in dimension d-1. Physical Review A, v. 100, n. 6, . (18/01447-2, 18/15554-5, 17/13250-6)
OLIVEIRA, M. H.; MAXIMO, C. E.; VILLAS-BOAS, C. J.. Sensitivity of electromagnetically induced transparency to light-mediated interactions. Physical Review A, v. 104, n. 6, . (17/13250-6, 19/11999-5)
MAXIMO, CARLOS E.; MOREIRA, NOEL A.; KAISER, ROBIN; BACHELARD, ROMAIN. Anderson localization of light in dimension d-1. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 100, n. 6, p. 5-pg., . (18/01447-2, 18/15554-5, 17/13250-6)
MAXIMO, C. E.; BACHELARD, R.; DOS SANTOS, F. E. A.; VILLAS-BOAS, C. J.. Cooperative spontaneous emission via a renormalization approach: Classical versus semiclassical effects. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 101, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (13/04162-5, 13/07276-1, 14/01491-0, 18/01447-2, 17/13250-6)
MAXIMO, C. E.; BACHELARD, R.; DOS SANTOS, F. E. A.; VILLAS-BOAS, C. J.. Cooperative spontaneous emission via a renormalization approach: Classical versus semiclassical effects. Physical Review A, v. 101, n. 2, . (13/04162-5, 18/01447-2, 13/07276-1, 14/01491-0, 17/13250-6)

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