Scholarship 16/13862-9 - Materiais lamelares, Hidróxidos duplos lamelares - BV FAPESP
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Conception and development of drug nanocarriers based on layered double hydroxides

Grant number: 16/13862-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)
Start date until: October 01, 2016
End date until: May 01, 2021
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry
Principal Investigator:Vera Regina Leopoldo Constantino
Grantee:Mariana Pires Figueiredo
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):18/22782-4 - Pharmacological studies of advanced surgical devices based on layered double hydroxides polymer composites, BE.EP.DD   18/22726-7 - Development of advanced surgical devices based on layered double hydroxides polymer composites, BE.EP.DD


Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs) are biocompatible materials of great interest to the development of carriers of species of pharmaceutical interest. In this project two synthetic approaches to promote the transport of bioactive species through LDHs will be employed: the inorganic matrix will storage the species between its organized two-dimensional layers (approach A) or the matrix will be part of the shell capsules composition containing the specie of interest inside (approach B). In the development of approach A, new LDHs with composition Mg2Fe1-xAlx and Zn2Fe1-xAlx (with x d 1) intercalated with anions derived from the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory naproxen and from the abietic acid will be synthesized. The substitution of aluminum by iron ions, endogenous metal, aims to improve the carriers metabolizing and to reduce possible toxic effects. In order to modify and/or improve the systems properties and applicability, composites will be also obtained, by casting or electrospinning, comprising the LDH hybrid materials and organic polymers of pharmaceutical uses, such as poly(methyl acrylate). Release kinetic studies of the active species in simulated biological media will be performed and release models will be applied. In approach B, the LDHs will be used in the manufacture of colloidosomes, i. e. capsules obtained by the colloidal particles self-organization in an emulsion interface, presenting great interest in pharmaceutical species storage. These systems will be prepared through the formation of Pickering emulsions using LDHs modified by the interaction with carboxymethylcellulose, for example. The synthesized materials will be characterized by chemical analysis, mass coupled thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffractometry, infrared and Raman vibrational spectroscopy, solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), electronic spectroscopy, electronic microscopy, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), average particle size and Zeta potential measurements and optical microscopy. In vivo studies to evaluate the materials biocompatibility and efficiency will be performed in collaboration with group from the medical field. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FIGUEIRECLO, MARIANA P.; CUNH, VANESSA R. R.; LEROUX, FABRICE; TAVIOT-GUEHO, CHRISTINE; NAKAMAE, MARTA N.; KANG, YE R.; SOUZA, RODRIGO B.; MARTINS, ANA MARIA C. R. P. F.; JUN KOH, IVAN HONG; CONSTANTINO, VERA R. L.. Iron-Based Layered Double Hydroxide Implants: Potential Drug Delivery Carriers with Tissue Biointegration Promotion and Blood Microcirculation Preservation. ACS OMEGA, v. 3, n. 12, p. 18263-18274, . (14/15900-0, 11/50318-1, 16/13862-9, 16/50317-9)
FIGUEIREDO, MARIANA PIRES; SUAREZ, EDUARDO DIAZ; PETRILLI, HELENA M.; LEROUX, FABRICE; TAVIOT-GUEHO, CHRISTINE; LEOPOLDO CONSTANTINO, VERA REGINA. Limiting content of trivalent iron to form organic-inorganic single-phase layered double hydroxides hybrids by coprecipitation. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, v. 228, p. 10-pg., . (16/50317-9, 16/13862-9)
FIGUEIREDO, MARIANA PIRES; CUNHA, VANESSA R. R.; CELLIER, JOEL; TAVIOT-GUEHO, CHRISTINE; CONSTANTINO, VERA R. L.. e(III)-Based Layered Double Hydroxides Carrying Model Naproxenate Anions: Compositional and Structural Aspect. CHEMISTRYSELECT, v. 7, n. 1, . (16/13862-9, 16/50317-9, 14/15900-0, 12/12209-9)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
FIGUEIREDO, Mariana Pires. Iron-based Layered Double Hydroxides aiming biomaterials: structure, composition, and polymer composites. 2021. Doctoral Thesis - Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Conjunto das Químicas (IQ e FCF) (CQ/DBDCQ) São Paulo.

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