Scholarship 16/02191-6 - Justiça, Pesquisa social - BV FAPESP
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Rights, Psychology and Ethnic-Racial Relations

Grant number: 16/02191-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Start date until: April 01, 2016
End date until: May 31, 2017
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Psychology - Social Psychology
Principal Investigator:Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos
Grantee:Renata Rocha Tsuji da Cunha
Host Institution: Instituto de Psicologia (IP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:13/11199-2 - Action of the psychologist in theme of race/ethnicity relations: a study in Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, AP.JP


Law can be defined as a normative system with the function of establishing the reason and imposing a reference of justice. Psychology can establish a complementary relationship with people rights, researching the consequences of actions and legal discourses on subjectivity of individuals. Racism is a determinant of violation of rights and access (or not) to justice. Black people are most persecuted by the police and have greater difficulties in accessing criminal justice. Although the Brazilian scenario is marked by a sophisticated anti-racist legislation, combating hate crimes is not effective. So, psychology has been increasingly called upon to contribute to the understanding of ethnic-racial relations. The consolidation of rights and public policies depends on the understanding of subjectivity production in ways that sustain and perpetuate prejudice, discrimination and racism. This project aims to investigate the role of psychologists that work at the interface with the justice system (or Rights) on the issue of ethnic-racial relations. Therefore, the qualitative analysis will be conducted about the legal discourse (on racial crimes) and through interviews with psychologists that operate in this professional context.

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