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Rio Branco Avenue: transformations and stays in its history urban ( Rio de Janeiro, 1960-1989)

Grant number: 15/19442-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): January 01, 2016
Effective date (End): May 04, 2018
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Architecture and Town Planning - Fundamentals of Architecture and Urbanism
Principal Investigator:Flávia Brito Do Nascimento
Grantee:Andréia Feitoza de Oliveira
Host Institution: Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):17/07862-9 - Rio Branco Avenue: transformations and permanencies in its urban history (Rio de Janeiro, 1960-1989), BE.EP.IC


This research aims to map the urban transformation of Avenida Rio Branco, located in the central area of the city of Rio de Janeiro between 1960 and 1989. The investigation is linked to the project "central area of Rio de Janeiro: memory, cultural heritage and social participation, 1960-1992", which has funding from FAPESP in the category Research Assistance, process number 2014/05513-9, under the responsibility of Prof.Dra. Flávia Brito do Nascimento. The mapping will involve the collection of information of buildings and urban actions in relation to their dates (construction and demolition), its architects, urban policies, transformations and social and legal agents, which will be organized with the help of free software georeferencing GQIS, and which uses the language SIG (Geographic Information System). The aim is to hold a constructive chronology of the Avenue that helps in the understanding of its urban transformation processes, questioning the renewal of urban space. For assembly of the maps will be used several references research, including photography, cartography, urban planning, text documents, articles and periodicals.

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