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Cultural and industrial heritage: reflection on the theoretical and methodological knowledge of preservation in urban spaces

Grant number: 15/25054-1
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Master's degree
Effective date (Start): October 01, 2016
Effective date (End): January 31, 2017
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Architecture and Town Planning
Principal Investigator:Eduardo Romero de Oliveira
Grantee:Rafaela Rogato Rondon Silva
Supervisor: Enrique Larive Lopez
Host Institution: Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação (FAAC). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Bauru. Bauru , SP, Brazil
Research place: Universidad de Sevilla (US), Spain  
Associated to the scholarship:15/06931-1 - Rail set of Mairinque: analysis of the articulation between the assets and their relationship with the city, BP.MS


Summary: This research proposes an international student visitor research from the Bolsa Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior (BEPE) linked to the research project developed with the help of FAPESP (n ° 2015 / 06931-1), at the master in Architecture and Urbanism of Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), whose approach to the study and analysis of the existing rail set in the urban space of the city of Mairinque. We seek so from this research internationally, improve the theoretical and methodological knowledge of stocks and preservation policies in order to reflect on management guidelines, use, activation and diffusion of cultural and industrial heritage, as well as improve our understanding of the relationship between urban space and rail assembly. Thus, to achieve this goal, will be applied based methodologies in identifying bibliographies related to the study (ownership, treatment and preservation of industrial spaces), as well as studies of the tools for the SIG, conducting a small study of international case and technical visits the English cities related to industrial. Finally, a comparative analysis can be incorporated into the macro Brazilian project Memória Ferroviária and assist in raising hypotheses that will respond to the problem of specific research on Mairinque, regarding the different forms of ownership of rail assets, that affect the whole joint notion set inserted in the urban landscape of the city.

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