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Evaluantion of cytotoxic, antimicrobial and adhesive properties of anroot , endodontic sealer based on epoxy resin in the addition of NA cetylcysteine and tricalcium phosphate as retro-shutter

Grant number: 15/23324-1
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): February 01, 2016
Effective date (End): December 31, 2016
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Dentistry - Endodontics
Principal Investigator:Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Camargo
Grantee:Laís Carolina Landim Gomes
Host Institution: Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia (ICT). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de São José dos Campos. São José dos Campos , SP, Brazil


The target of this study is to evaluate in vitro cytotoxicity, antimicrobial andadhesive of AH Plus endodontic sealer, associated with N-acetylcysteine andtricalcium phosphate as retro-shutter. For the experiments the sealer AH Plusgoing to be associated with N-acetylcysteine or tricalcium phosphate in theproportion of 1: 4. Cytotoxicity is assessed by exposure of dilutions of theextracts of MTA associations and the periodontal ligament fibroblast for periodsof 1, 3 and 7 days by XTT assay for analysis of celular viability. The evaluationof the antimicrobial activity going to be obtained by the agar diffusion test. Theinhibition halo formed by direct contact of the root sealer extract with microbialgrowth culture plates ( Enterococcus faecalis , Escherichia coli and Candidaalbicans ) going to be measured in 24-hour period.The adhesive strength to thewalls of root canal will be test using 48 teeths, instrumented with Reciproc files# 40 (VDW - Munich - Germany) and filled with endodontic root sealer. Afterseven days the root apexs going to be instrumented with ultrasonic tips andretro-filled with the sealer according to the associations. For each specimen, willbe obtained one slice of 2 mm approximately from the apical third for the pushouttest.The data obtained going to be statistically analyzed by ANOVA and thestatistical diferences, by the Tukey test (p <0.05).

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RIBEIRO CAMARGO, CARLOS HENRIQUE; LANDIM GOMES, LAIS CAROLINA; MOREIRA FRANCA, MONIQUE COSTA; BITTENCOURT, TATIANE SAMPAIO; VALERA, MARCIA CARNEIRO; CAMARGO, SAMIRA ESTEVES AFONSO; BOTTINO, MARCO CICERO. Incorporating N-acetylcysteine and tricalcium phosphate into epoxy resin-based sealer improved its biocompatibility and adhesiveness to radicular dentine. Dental Materials, v. 35, n. 12, p. 1750-1756, . (15/23324-1)

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