Scholarship 15/21960-8 - Narrativa transmídia, Jornalismo - BV FAPESP
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Script writing techniques: from linear to transmedia

Grant number: 15/21960-8
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: November 30, 2015
End date until: March 29, 2016
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Communications - Journalism and Publishing
Principal Investigator:Denis Porto Renó
Grantee:Pepita Martin Ortega
Supervisor: Carlos Alberto Scolari
Host Institution: Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação (FAAC). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Bauru. Bauru , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Spain  
Associated to the scholarship:15/02633-6 - The possibilities and opportunities within the transmedia documentaries production and storytelling, BP.IC


During the past decade, society has observed a great change in its relation with communication. In this context, transmedia storytelling appeared inside the field's new possibilities and dynamics, creating different experiences. However, this narrative is not much experimented and disseminated, mainly in documentaries. The production, script writing and development of products with this proposal is different, using strategies to distribute content in various platforms. This way, observing these differences in order to favor and stimulate this form of production is very important and suitable to the participation and immersion context demanded by new generations. Transmedia productions enable the development of complementary but independent contents, transiting through different platforms. Through a wide distribution, of various types, participative processes are created and provide users experience exchange and interactivity. The distribution in different platforms created a new environment, appropriate to the dialogue between transmedia content, drawing a more immersive scenario. As this type of production expands possibilities inside audiovisual narrative, the production method also presents differences and new demands, similar but bigger than the ones of a more traditional script or production, in this case of documentaries.The project will be developed in dialogue with the research The possibilities and opportunities within the transmedia documentaries production and storytelling. So, with a similar grounding, and from the notes of theoricals like Doc Comparato y Robert Mckee, Sérgio Puccini, Henry Jenkins, Vicente Gosciola, Lorenzo Vilches, Denis Renó y Jesús Flores, the main goal is to analyze, identify and experiment, in an applied investigation, the differences between the development of lineal and transmedia, inside the documentary gender, proposing models and forms of production of transmedia documentary. The observation of similarities and differences of these types of scripts' structures, and the development of one, culminates in the identification of the characteristics of transmedia documentaries scripts, and the verification of possibilities and advantages of these types of production in the actual communication dynamics.In a first moment, it will be developed a bibliographic study, that will serve as foundation for the research of lineal and transmedia scripts and starting point for the comparison of both. From this theorical background, the activities of script writing with the advisor and his team will begin, with the purpose of investigating the main points, structures and strategies of scripts, with the production of a transmedia one. The next step will be the development of the final report in format of an article, publishable in a scientific magazine.The research will be developed and linked to Pompeu Fabra University, and oriented by profesor Carlos Alberto Scolari. By the end of the current scientific research in Brazil, it was proposed the production of a transmedia documentary. Therefore, part of the same will be produced in Barcelona, also dialoguing with the study developed there, relative to the differences between the types of script. This way, the experimental documentary will follow the transmedia script standards proposed by the author. (AU)

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