Scholarship 15/08894-6 - Ideologia, Afeto - BV FAPESP
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Some contributions to comprehend the administration of the passions in the current political context

Grant number: 15/08894-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Start date until: September 01, 2015
End date until: May 15, 2017
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Psychology - Psychological Treatment and Prevention
Agreement: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
Principal Investigator:Miriam Debieux Rosa
Grantee:Sérgio Eduardo Lima Prudente
Host Institution: Instituto de Psicologia (IP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


This project aims to investigate the existence and the modalities of what we call administration of the passions in ideological discourses engendered in the current Brazilian political scene. In this regard, we propose a double mapping that intends to conceptually sustain our theoretical elaboration about administration of the passions and to search evidences, by collecting data of present discourses in the Brazilian culture. Nowadays, in our culture, it is possible to observe the intensification of passionate expressions. Maybe, the most intense aspect of this event can be detected in the political atmosphere. This phenomenon has been intensified, and it produces and authorizes discourses of hate and violence, which has become increasingly common. This occurrence comes in the wake of a series of interconnected expressions, which extends from intolerance (racial, social, ideological, gender), up to the modes of love relations determined by logical compatibility. In the field of politics, the strong ideological character and the increasing tension have emptied the political discussion of urgent agendas. The discourses of marketing, religion and journalistic comprise this context, which leads public opinions. We intend to analyze how the discursive articulations that lead certain affects such as love, hate, ignorance and shame, and identify them for or against the ideological determinations. Our interest relies on the discursive consequences that a possible administration of the passions and affects can provoke, both as a strategy of control and political/ideological cooptation, and as an action that directs violence against each other. (AU)

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