Scholarship 15/02744-2 - Dor lombar, Inquéritos e questionários - BV FAPESP
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Comparing the responsiveness of objective and subjective physical activity-related measures in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain

Grant number: 15/02744-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Start date until: April 01, 2015
End date until: April 30, 2016
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Principal Investigator:Rafael Zambelli de Almeida Pinto
Grantee:Priscila Kalil Morelhão
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Presidente Prudente. Presidente Prudente , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:14/14077-8 - Investigating the role of physical activity domains in the prognosis of non-specific low back pain, AP.JP
Associated scholarship(s):15/11877-6 - The validation of the Fitbit device in twins pairs discordant with low back pain., BE.EP.MS


The non-specific low back pain is a prevalent condition in the general population. Despite various therapies in the field of low back pain effects are small to moderate. One potential factor that may influence the effectiveness of current therapies is the type of measure used in clinical trials. Subjective measures have traditionally been used in this area, whereas evidence regarding objective measures are scarce. Objective: to compare the responsiveness of four measures: one measure of disability in individuals with low back pain (Roland Morris questionnaire), two subjective measures of physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ - long version and Baecke questionnaire) and one objective measure of physical activity (accelerometer) in a population 82 patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain. The evidence from this study will help us to understand the role of objective and subjective measure of physical activity in people with low back pain. It will also clarify whether levels of physical activity change during the course of treatment.

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CARVALHO, FLAVIA A.; MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; MAHER, CHRIS G.; SMEETS, ROB J. E. M.; OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; FREITAS JUNIOR, ISMAEL F.; PINTO, RAFAEL Z.. Reliability and validity of two multidimensional self-reported physical activity questionnaires in people with chronic low back pain. MUSCULOSKELETAL SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, v. 27, p. 65-70, . (15/17093-7, 14/14077-8, 15/07704-9, 15/02744-2)
CARVALHO, FLAVIA A.; MAHER, CHRIS G.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; SILVA, FERNANDA G.; PINTO, RAFAEL Z.. Fear of Movement Is Not Associated With Objective and Subjective Physical Activity Levels in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, v. 98, n. 1, p. 96-104, . (15/17093-7, 15/07704-9, 15/02744-2, 14/14077-8)
MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; HISAMATSU, THALYSI M.; FERREIRA, PAULO H.; COSTA, LEONARDO O. P.; MAHER, CHRIS G.; PINTO, RAFAEL ZAMBELLI. Physical activity and disability measures in chronic non-specific low back pain: a study of responsiveness. CLINICAL REHABILITATION, v. 32, n. 12, p. 1684-1695, . (15/02744-2, 14/14077-8, 16/04113-2)
OLIVEIRA, CRYSTIAN B.; FRANCO, MARCIA R.; MAHER, CHRISTOPHER G.; LIN, CHUNG-WEI CHRISTINE; MORELHAO, PRISCILA K.; ARAUJO, AMANDA C.; NEGRAO FILHO, RUBEN F.; PINTO, RAFAEL Z.. Physical Activity Interventions for Increasing Objectively Measured Physical Activity Levels in Patients With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review. ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH, v. 68, n. 12, p. 1832-1842, . (15/02744-2, 14/14077-8, 15/07704-9)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
MORELHÃO, Priscila Kalil. Measuring levels of physical activity and its impact on sleep quality and back pain. 2016. Master's Dissertation - Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia. Presidente Prudente Presidente Prudente.

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