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Nondestructive evaluation of hollow concrete block masonry with the use of the flat jack technique

Grant number: 14/25110-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Master's degree
Effective date (Start): April 01, 2015
Effective date (End): June 01, 2015
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Civil Engineering - Structural Engineering
Principal Investigator:Guilherme Aris Parsekian
Grantee:Mateus de Oliveira Soriani
Supervisor: Ahmad A. Hamid
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Research place: Drexel University, United States  
Associated to the scholarship:13/23744-5 - The use of the flat-jack testing on hollow concrete block walls", BP.MS


Flat jack is a non-destructive technique of structural evaluation that is usually applied in old brick masonry structures. The technique allows obtaining important properties of the masonry structure, as the compressive stress state, modulus of elasticity and compressive strength. There is a great demand for this type of analysis in modern buildings with hollow blocks. Neverless, the current technique is not applicable in these cases, due to some limitations in the equipments. The present work deals with the study of adapting the technique to allow its application in modern masonry structures. Thus, deeper studies about the current technique and knowing the main lines of reasearch on non-destructive techniques are necessary. A technical travel to the Drexel that recently built a new Non-Destructive Testing laboratory and have a good reputation on masonry studies is aimed in this project. Also aimed to visit the Atkinson-Noland & Associates company to benefit from their extensive experience in the use of flatjacks and to develop a new flatjack to be used in the Master program-testing while back to UFSCar. Also intented to participate and present a paper (if approved) at the 12th North American Masonry Conference. (AU)

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MACACO PLANO UTILIZADO EM BLOCOS VAZADOS DE CONCRETO BR2020160263765 - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR) . Guilherme Aris Parsekian ; Mateus De Oliveira Soriani ; Eduardo Ramos Sanches - November 2016, 10